Extras 10: Figurative language Flashcards
What is a simile?
Comparing something to being similar to something else
What is a metaphor?
Saying something is the same as something else, even if it doesn’t make sense
What is alliteration?
Repeating the first letter in two or more neighbouring words
What is hyperbole?
When you over-exaggerate something
What is understatement?
Representing something as less than what it is
What is personification?
When you describe an object as if it was human
What is allusion?
When you refer to another (famous) person or place, to compare something or someone to
What is symbolism?
Using symbols (like colours or icons) to represent ideas
What is an oxymoron?
A phrase that uses two opposite words
What is a cliche?
A word or phrase that has been used too much
What is sarcasm?
Where words say one thing but actually mean the
What is onomatopoeia?
Words that sound like their meaning
Give an example of a simile
As sly as a fox
You smell like a rose
Give an example of a metaphor
You are my sunshine
The snow is a white blanket
Give an example of alliteration
The wild, wooly walrus waits
Give an example of hyperbole
I’ve told you a million times before
Give an example of understatement
It’s a bit windy today (when there is actually a terrible storm outside)
Give an example of personification
The fire swallowed the entire forest
Give an example of allusion
I am the Picasso of the family
Give an example of symbolism
Life is a roller-coaster
The roller-coaster represents something that is scary and unpredictable. Notice this sentence is also a metaphor.
Give an example of an oxymoron
I’m having a minor crisis
Give an example of a cliche
It’s a game of two halves
She’s running like a headless chicken
Give an example of sarcasm
Thank you so much for throwing my homework in the bin
Give an example of onomatopoeia
Crack, crash, swish