Vocabulary 1-10 from Mastronarde's Text Flashcards
ἡ ὑγίεια
f. health
ἡ ἀλήθεια
f. truthfulness
I persuade, I convince; I succeed (through entreaty); I mislead (bribe, tempt); (in mediopassive) I yield, obey; believe, trust; (second perfect particle, with passive) I trust, rely on (with dative); (in perfect passive) I believe in
I bring, I bear, I carry
ἡ παιδεία
f. education, training, culture
ἡ συμφορά
f. event, happening, circumstance; unlucky event, misfortune
ἡ χώρα, χώρας
land, country; space, room, place
ἡ ἀδελϕή, ης
f. sister
ἡ ἀρετή, ης
f. excellence, virtue; valor
ἡ γνώμη, - ης
f. faculty of judgment; opinion, decision, verdict
ἡ δίκη, - ης
f. justice, right; lawsuit; punishment
ἡ ἡδονή, - ης
f. pleasure
ἡ νῑκε
f. victory
ἡ τῑμή, - ης
f. honor, esteem, price
ἡ ψυχή
f. vital breath, breath of life; life; soul (cf. psyche)
ή φωνή, - ης
f. sound, voice
ἡ θύρα
f. door (frequently pl), double doors, flying doors
Ξανθίππη, - ης
f. Xanthippe (name)
ἀπό + genitive (ἀπ’, ἀϕ’ before vowels)
(prep) away, away from
ἐκ + genitive (ἐξ before vowels)
(prep) out of, forth from
ἐν + dative
(prep) in, within, on, at, among
εἰς, ἐς +acc
(prep) into, to, toward
σύν + dat
(prep) together with, with
ὁ ἄνεμος, ἀνέμου
m. wind
ὁ διδάσκαλος, διδασκάλου
m. teacher; trainer of a chorus, producer of a play
ὁ ἡλιος, - ίου
m. sun, Helios
ὁ νόμος, - ου
m. custom, law
ἡ νόσος, - ου
f. sickness, disease
ἡ ὁδός, - οῠ
f. path, way, road; journey
ἡ ψηϕος, - ου
f. small stone, pebble (used in games and voting); vote
τὸ ἔργον, - ου
n. work, deed, action
τὸ μέτρον, - ου
n. measurement, size, distance; moderate amount, proportion
τὸ μαιδίον
n. child
(conj) but, however
(conj) and
οὐ, οὐκ (before vowels)
negative adverb
ἑταῐρος, - ου
m. comrade, companion
ἑταῐρα, - ας
f. female comrade, companion; courtesan
Ἰσαῐος, - ου
m. Isaios (name)
τύραννος, - ου
m. absolute ruler, tyrant
f. health
f. trial, attempt
θάλαττα, - ης
f. sea
γλώττα, - ης
f. tongue
νεανίας, - ου
m. young man
κρίτης, - ου
m. judge (in a game)
ἀντί (+ gen)
(prep) instead of, in place of, in return for
πρό (+gen)
(prep) in front of, in defense of, before
(+gen): through (of space or time); through, by (of agent or means)
(+acc): because of, on account of, by aid of, by reason of
(+gen): among, with
+acc): after (of time or rank
ἀντί τούτων
in return (or exchange) for these things
ἀλήθεια, - ας
f. truth, truthfulness (Aletheia)
γέϕῡρα, - ας
f. bridge
ἱέρεια, - ας
f. priestess
μοῐρα, - ας
f. portion; lot; destiny; fate (cf. Moira)
δόξα, - ης
f. opinion; reputation
πράμεζα, - ης
f. table, bank
δικαστής, - οῠ
m. juryman, judge (in a court)
ναύτης, - ου
m. sailor
ὁπλίτης, - ου
m. heavily-armed soldier
πολίτης, - ου
m. citizen
ἐπίθετον, -ou
n. adjective
ἀγαθός, ἀγαθή, ἀγαθόν
adj. good
αἰσχρός, αἰσχρά, αἰσχρόν
adj. ugly, shameful, base, disgraceful
ἄξιος, ἀξία, ἄξιον
adj. worth; worthy, deserving of (takes a genitive)
δήλος, δήλη, δήλον
adj. clear, manifest
κακός, κακή, κακόν
adj. bad, evil; low-born
καλός, καλή, καλόν
adj. beautiful, handsome; fine, noble
μακρός, μακρά, μακρόν
adj. large, long, tall, far
μίκρός, μίκρά, μίκρόν
adj. small, little
πονηρός, πονηρά, πονηρόν
adj. worthless, base, knavish
σοφός, σοφά, σοφόν
adj. skilled, clever, wise
ϕίλιος, ϕιλία, ϕίλιον
adj. friendly, friendly to (+dat)
χαλεπός χαλεπή, χαλεπόν
adj. difficult, hard, harsh; cruel
ἱεπός, ἱεπά, ἱεπόν
adj. holy, consecrated
τό ἱεπόν
n. holy place, shrine
τά ἱεπά
f. offerings; omens obtained by sacrifice; sacred rights
ὁ μεζός
m. infantry
οἱ μεζοἱ
m. pl. foot soldiers
πλούσιος, πλουσία, πλούσιον
adj. wealthy, rich
οἱ πλούσιοι
m. pl. wealthy men
οἱ πολέμιοί
m.pl. enemy
ϕίλος, ϕίλη, ϕίλον
adj. beloved, dear
μή, οὐ
primary negative adverbs. the latter is used with indicatives, while the latter is used with infinitives, subjunctives and optatives, and idiomatically
(+gen) from the side of, from (usually with person (animate) as object)
(+dat) by the side of, at the house of (almost always with animate as owner)
(+acc) to the side of; besides; past, beyond, contrary to
(+gen) upon; in the time of
(+dat) upon; over; next to; in addition to
(+acc) onto, up to, towards; against
(+gen) from, proceeding from
(+dat)near, beside; in addition to
(+acc)to, toward; against; in respect to, regarding
δοῦλος, δούλου; δούλη, δούλης
(m;f) slave
πλοῦτος, πλούτου
(m) wealthes, riches (plutocrat)
τρόπος, τρόπου
(m.) turn; way, manner, fashion; habits, character
ὕπνος, ὕπνου
(m) sleep
ϕθόνος, ϕθόνου
(m.) envy, jealousy
to hear (with acc of thing heard, and +gen of person by whom it is heard, alone or commonly with preps apo and ek)
to harm
to order, command (+acc of person + infinitive)
to marshal, draw up (troops), arrange; appoint
it is necessary, it is needful (to), [often translated as ought or should]
it seems good, it seems best (+dat of person +infintive0
it is permitted, it is possible (+dat or acc +infin)
it is fitting, it is becoming, it is seemly (+acc +infintive)
it is necessary (+acc +infinitive)
ὅσιος, ὁσία, ὅσιον
(adj) hallowed (of things); pious; pure (of person)
ῥᾴδιος, ῥᾳδία, ῥᾴδιον
(adj) easy
ἄδικος, ἄδικοv
(adj) unjust
ἀθάνατος, ἀθάνατοv
(adj) immortal, undying
ἀνόσιος, ἀνόσιον
(adj) unholy, profane
βάρβαρος, βάρβαρον; οἱ βάρβαροι
barbarian, foreign; non-Greek speaking; (plural) foreigners, esp. Persians
σύμμαχος, σύμμαχον; οἱ σύμμαχοι
fighting along with, allied with; allies