Vocabulary 01/06/2013 Flashcards
- *Part of Speech:** noun
- *Own:** a long individule life; a great length of time
- *Dictionary:** long life or duration
- *Antonym:** end; fleetingness
- *Synonym:** durability; endurance
Mary lived a longevity of a life.
- *Part of Speech:** noun
- *Own:** a fixed or firm belief
- *Dictionary:** a firm opinion or belief; being convinced
- *Antonym:** doubt; uncertainty
- *Synonym:** principle; faith
His conviction was not the one he had in mind.
- *Part of Speech:** verb
- *Own:** to abstain from buying
- *Dictionary:** refuse to use or have anything to do with
- *Antonym:** encourage; support
- *Synonym:** exclude; refuse; ban
The people boycott Jimmy’s Show Store for treating customers badly.
- *Part of Speech:** noun
- *Own:** a request made for something desired or wanted
- *Dictionary:** a formal request for something, especially a written one signed by many people
- *Antonym:** disclaimer; refusal
- *Synonym:** appeal; plea
Wendell said, “Turn down your video games, the neighbors have a petition.”
- *Part of Speech:** verb
- *Own:** a rewording of a text or passage
- *Dictionary:** give the meaning of something by using different words
- *Antonym:** quotation; verbatim
- *Synonym:** translation; rendition
Tony paraphased my entire speech for his presentation.
- *Part of Speech:** adjective
- *Own:** of great importance
- *Dictionary:** very important
- *Antonym:** insignificant; unimportant
- *Synonym:** critical; vital
The FCAT is one of the most momentous events of our school year.
- *Part of Speech:** adjective
- *Own:** causing dismay or horror
- *Dictionary:** shocking; very unpleasant
- *Antonym:** comforting; encouraging
- *Synonym:** horrifying; ghastly
The fact that my brother lost his phone was appalling to everyone.
- *Part of Speech:** adjective
- *Own:** basic or absolute
- *Dictionary:** not transferable to another
- *Antonym:** acquired; changeable
- *Synonym:** natural; untransferable
Everyone in the United States has the inalienable right to human rights.
- *Part of Speech:** noun
- *Own:** to isolate a person or thing; separation
- *Dictionary:** separate people of different religions, race, etc.
- *Antonym:** acceptance; inclusion
- *Synonym:** discrimination; seclusion
Segregation was a negative result from stopping slavery.
Lunar Eclipse
lu·nar e·clipse
Part of Speech: noun
Dictionary: the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth’s shadow. The Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned and the Earth is in the middle.
Antonym: solar eclipse
I got to witness a lunar eclipse last year.
Solar Eclipse
so·lar e·clipse
- *Part of Speech:** noun
- *Own:**
- *Dictionary:** the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so that the Sun is wholly or partially obscured. This can only happen during a new moon.
- *Antonym:** lunar eclipse
- *Synonym:**
I missed the Solar Eclipse last year because I fell asleep.
Moon Phases
Moon Phas·es
- *Part of Speech:** noun
- *Own:** the stages of the Moon
- *Dictionary:** a stage in the changing shape the Moon seems to have when it is viewed from Earth
- *Antonym:**
- *Synonym:**
I did a project which made me see all the Moon phases.