Vocab Test 1! Flashcards
Encroach (verb)
to trespass gradually on the property of another
Synonyms of encroach
- barge in
- interfere
- trespass
Antonyms of encroach
- keep off
- give permission
- ignore
Tenacious (adjective)
- strong; unyielding
- not easily pulled apart
Synonyms of tenacious
- determined
- persistent
- relentless
Antonyms of tenacious
- loose
- weak
- unreliable
Abhor (verb)
- to reject something very strongly
- to hate
Synonyms of abhor
- despise
- loathe
- hate
Antonyms of abhor
- admire
- like
- love
Avarice (noun)
extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Synonyms of avarice
- greediness
- acquisitiveness
- rapacity
Antonyms of avarice
- contentment
- generosity
- fulfillment
Insolent (adjective)
showing a rude or arrogant lack of respect
Synonyms of insolent
- imprudent
- saucy
- sassy
Antonyms of insolent
- meek
- shy
- polite
Fetid (adjective)
smelling extremely unpleasant
Synonyms of fetid
- foul
- rancid
- revolting
Antonyms of fetid
- aromatic
- clean
- perfumed
Trepidation (noun)
a nervous or fearful feeling
Synonyms of trepidation
- anxiety
- worry
- panic
Antonyms of trepidation
- calm
- composure
- peace
Nefarious (adjective)
very wicked or evil
Synonyms of nefarious
- villainous
- heinous
- atrocious
Antonyms of nefarious
- good
- admirable
- virtuous
Pandemonium (noun)
wild and noisy disorder/confusion (because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people)
Synonyms of pandemonium
- chaos
- anarchy
- commotion
Antonyms of pandemonium
- order
- calm
- harmony
Vehemently (adverb)
- in a forceful, passionate manner
- with great feeling
Synonyms of vehemently
- fiercely
- passionately
- boldly
Antonyms of vehemently
- calmly
- coolly
- enthusiastically
Capitulate (verb)
to surrender; to accept defeat
Synonyms of capitulate
- give in
- yield
- acquiesce
Antonyms of capitulate
- resist
- hold out
- fight
Mellifluous (adjective)
having a smooth, sweet, or flowing sound
Synonyms of mellifluous
- lyrical
- musical
- soothing
Antonyms of mellifluous
- harsh
- unpleasant
- cacophonous
Hiatus (noun)
a break or interruption in a time or process
Synonyms of hiatus
- break
- gap
- interruption
Antonyms of hiatus
- continuation
- closure
- return
Effervescent (adjective)
- vivacious and enthusiastic
- having bubbles or a lively quality
Synonyms of effervescent
- bubbly
- bouncy
- high-spirited
Antonyms of effervescent
- depressed
- glum
- restrained
Ludicrous (adjective)
- so foolish or unreasonable that it is funny
- ridiculous
Synonyms of ludicrous
- absurd
- comic
- preposterous
Antonyms of ludicrous
- humorless
- lame
- unfunny