Vocab Group 2 Flashcards
Accolade (n)
an expression of praise
Abate (v)
To lessen in intensity or degree
Adulation (n)
Excessive praise; intense adoration
Ameliorate (v)
To make better or more tolerable
Ascetic (n)
One who practices rigid self-denial, especially as an act of religious devotion
Avarice (n)
Greed, especially for wealth
Burgeon (v)
To grow rapidly; flourish
Bucolic (adj)
Rustic and pastoral
Castigation (n)
Severe criticism or punishment
Chary (adj)
Wary; sparing
Cogent (adj)
Convincing (in mind or reason)
Dearth (n)
Smallness of quantity; scarcity; lack
Demur (v)
To question or oppose
Didactic (adj)
Intending to teach or instruct
Disinterested (adj)
Free of bias or self interest; impartial
Ebullience (n)
The quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings
Elegy (n)
Mournful poem
Ephemeral (adj)
Brief; fleeting
Facetious (adj)
Playful; humorous
Harangue (v/n)
To deliver a pompous speech or tirade; the pompous speech
Impecunious (adj)
Lacking funds; without money
Incipient (adj)
Beginning to come into being or to become apparent
Intransigent (adj)
Refusing to compromise
Inveigle (v)
To obtain by deception or flattery
Odious (adj)
Evoking intense aversion/dislike
Penurious (adj)
Preen (v)
To dress up; primp
Prolific (adj)
Producing large volumes or amounts; productive
Quaff (v)
To drink deeply
Quiescence (n)
Stillness, being at rest
Redoubtable (adj)
Awe-inspiring; worthy of honor
Supplant (v)
To take the place of; to supersede
Torpid (adj)
Lethargic; sluggish; dormant (n form: torpor)
Urbane (adj)
Sophisticated; refined; elegant
Vilify (v)
To defame; to characterize harshly