Verbal Reasoning Flashcards
Prevent/obstruct an anticipated action/event by taking action ahead of time
Small or insufficient in quantity/amount
Panegyric (n)
Elaborate praise or laudation
Gauche (adj)
Unstinting (adj)
Bestowed liberally
Limpid (adj)
Characterized by transparent clearness; easily intelligible; calm and untroubled
Fatuous (adj)
Foolish (especially in a smug or self-satisfied way)
Teratoid (adj)
Monstrously deformed
Decorous (adj)
Marked by propriety and good taste
Felicitous (adj)
Very well suited or expressed; pleasant or delightful
Diffident (adj)
Hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence
Capricious (adj)
Impulsive; unpredictable
Facile (adj)
Easily accomplished or attained; readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth (facile tears)
Bellicose (adj)
Favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars
Doughty (adj)
Marked by fearless resolution
Retrench (v)
To cut down; reduce
Rebuke (v)
To criticize severely
Sophistry (n)
Subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
Exacerbate (v)
To make more violent, bitter, or severe (exacerbate the situation)
Expiate (v)
Extinguish the guilt incurred by; make amends for
Coruscate (v)
To give off or reflect bright beams or flashes; to be brilliant or showy in technique or style
Preternatural (adj)
Existing outside of nature
Teleological (adj)
Exhibiting or relating to design or purpose–especially in nature
Countenance (n)
Calm expression; mental composure
Preclude (v)
To make impossible by necessary consequence
The fact or state of being in disagreement; state of being a variable
Consonant (adj)
Being in agreement or harmony
Candor (n)
Freedom from prejudice or malicious; unreserved, honest, or sincere expression;
Edify (v)
To instruct and improve–especially in moral and religious knowledge
Cadge (v)
Mendicate (v)
To beg
Allay (v)
To reduce the intensity of; relieve; to calm or pacify
Anodyne (adj)
Capable of soothing or eliminating pain; relaxing
Monocoque (adj)
Constructed in one piece
Pavonine (adj)
Of or resembling a peacock (in color, design, or iridescence)
Parietal (adj)
Having to do with college
Saturnine (adj)
Melancholy or sullen; being bitter or sardonic
Attuned (v)
To bring into a harmonious or responsive relationship
Execrable (adj)
Detestable, very bad, wretched
Expediency (n)
Appropriateness to the purpose at hand; adherence to self-serving means
Prodigious (adj)
Impressively great in size, force, or extent; extraordinary, marvelous
Sidereal (adj)
Pertains to time…
Etiolate (v)
To cause to appear pale and sickly; to cause a plant to develop without chlorophyll by preventing exposure to sunlight
Intransigent (adj)
Refusing to moderate a position; uncompromising
Comportment (n)
Bearing; deportment
Invidious (adj)
Likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others (of an action/situation, not person)
Plangent (adj)
Loud and resounding; expressing or suggesting sadness
Nugatory (adj)
Of little or no importance
Denouement (n)
The final resolution or clarification of a dramatic or narrative plot; the end result
Antediluvian (adj)
Extremely old and antiquated
Pusillanimous (adj)
Lacking courage; cowardly
Jejune (adj)
Not interesting. Dull.
Ludology (n)
The study of games/gaming
Disencumber (v)
Relieve from an encumbrance (problem, etc)
Demarcate (v)
Set the boundary
Repudiate (v)
To reject the validity or authority of; to disown
Disburse (v)
To pay out, as from a fund
Equanimity (n)
The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure
Tyro (n)
A beginner in learning something
Agronomy (n)
Application of the various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production; scientific agriculture
Effusive (adj)
Unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; gushy; profuse or overflowing
Serpentine (adj)
Of or resembling a serpent
Thewy (adj)
Sinewy (adj)
Lean and muscular
Pneumatic (adj)
Of or relating to air or other gases
Flocculent (adj)
Fluffy; wooly
Burke (v)
The suppress or extinguish quietly; stifle
Fete (v)
To celebrate or honor with a festival, feast, or an elaborate entertainment
Adroit (adj)
Dexterous; deft
Venal (adj)
Corruptible, obtainable for a price, open to bribery
Exscind (v)
To cut out; excise
Obloquy (n)
Abusively detractive language or utterance
Calumny (n)
A false statement maliciously made to injure another’s reputation
Evince (v)
To show or demonstrate clearly; manifest
Ossification (n)
The natural process of bone formation; hardening or calcification
Recreant (adj)
Unfaithful or disloyal to a belief, duty, or cause; craven or cowardly
Redolent (adj)
Having or emitting a fragrance, aromatic; suggestive or reminiscent
Recondite (adj)
Not easily understood
Arcane (adj)
Known or understood by only a few
Droll (adj)
Amusingly odd or whimsical; comical
Verisimilitude (n)
The quality of appearing to be true or real
Noisome (adj)
Offensive to the point of arousing disgust; harmful ad dangerous
Atavism (n)
The reappearance of a characteristic in an organism after several generations of absence, usually cases by the chance recombination of genes
Mephitic (adj)
Poisonous or foul-smelling