Lesser Known 2nd Meanings Flashcards
August (adj)
Majestic, venerable
Alloy (v)
To commingle
Bent (n)
Leaning, inclination, proclivity, tendency
Brook (v)
To tolerate; to endure
Chauvinist (n)
A blindly devoted patriot
Consequential (adj)
Pompous, self-important (primary definition = logically following)
Damp (v)
To diminish the intensity or check the vibration of a sound (damper pedal)
Die (n)
A tool used for shaping, as in a tool-and-die shop
Essay (v)
To test or try; to attempt; to experiment
Fell (adj)
Inhumanly cruel
Flag (v)
To sag or droop; to become spiritless; to decline
Grouse (v)
To complain or grumble
Guy (n)
A rope cord, or cable attached to something as a brace or guide
Intimate (v)
To imply, suggest, or insinuate
List (v)
To tilt or lean to one side
Meet (adj)
Fitting, proper
Mince (v)
To pronounce or speak affectedly or too carefully. Also, to take tiny steps/tiptoe
Nice (adj)
Exacting, fastidious, extremely precise
Obtain (adj)
To be established, accepted, or customary
Occult (adj)
Hidden, concealed, beyond comprehension
Pedestrian (adj)
Commonplace, trite, unremarkable, quotidian
Pied (adj)
Multicolored, usually in blotches
Pine (v)
To lose vigor (as through grief) to yearn
Prize (v)
To pry, to press or force with a lever; something taken by force, spoil
Rent (v)
Torn (past tense of rend); an opening or tear caused by such
Quail (v)
To lose courage; to turn frightened
Qualify (v)
To limit
Sap (n)
A fool or nitwit
Scurvy (adj)
Contemptible, despicable
Stand (n)
A group of trees
Strut (n)
The supporting structural cross-part of a wing
Table (v)
To remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration
Tender (v)
To proffer or offer
Waffle (v)
To equivocate; to change one’s position
Wag (n)
Wit, joker
Abjure (v)
To renounce or reject solemnly; to recant
Adumbrate (v)
To foreshadow vaguely or intimate; to suggest or outline sketchily; to obscure or overshadow
Anathema (n)
A solemn or ecclesiastical (religious) curse; accursed or thoroughly loathed person or thing
Anodyne (adj/n)
Soothing; something that assuaged or always pain, comforts
Apogee (n)
Farthest or highest point; culmination; zenith
Apostate (n)
One who abandons long-held religious or political convictions
Apotheosis (n)
Exalted example; a model of excellence or perfection
Asperity (n)
Severity; rigor; roughness, harshness; acrimony, irritability
Asseverate (v)
To aver, allege, or assert
Assiduous (adj)
Diligent, hard working, sedulous
Augury (n)
Omen, portent
Bellicose (adj)
Belligerent, pugnacious, warlike
Calumniate (v)
To slander
Captious (adj)
Disposed to point out trivial faults; calculated to confuse or entrap in argument
Cavil (v)
To find fault with good reason
Celerity (n)
Speed, alacrity (think accelerate)
Chimera (n)
An illusion
Contumacious (adj)
Insubordinate, rebellious
Contumely (n)
Insult, scorn
Denouement (n)
An outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot
Descry (v)
To discriminate or discern
Desuetude (n)
Desultory (adj)
Random; aimless; marked by lack of plan or purpose
Diaphanous (adj)
Transparent, gauzy
Diffident (adj)
Reserved, shy, unassuming
Encomium (n)
Glowin and enthusiastic praise; tribute, eulogy
Excoriate (v)
To censure scathingly, to upbraid
Execrate (v)
To denounce, to feel loathing for, to curse, to declare to be evil
Exegesis (n)
Critical examination, explication
Expiate (v)
To atone or make amends for
Extirpate (v)
To destroy, to exterminate, to cut out
Fatuous (adj)
Silly, inanely foolish
Fractious (adj)
Quarrelsome, rebellious, unruly, refractory, irritable
Gainsay (v)
To deny, to dispute, to contradict, to oppose
Heterodox (adj)
Unorthodox, heretical, iconoclastic
Imbroglio (n)
Difficult or embarrassing
Indefatigable (adj)
Not easily exhaustible; tireless, dogged
Ineluctable (adj)
Certain, inevitable
Inimitable (adj)
One of a kind, peerless
Insouciant (adj)
Unconcerned, carefree, heedless
Inveterate (adj)
Deep rooted, ingrained, habitual
Jejune (adj)
Vapid, uninteresting, nugatory; childish, immature, puerile
Lubricious (adj)
Lewd wanton, greasy, slippery
Mendicant (n)
A beggar, supplicant
Meretricious (adj)
Cheap, gaudy, tawdry, flashy, showy
Minatory (adj)
Menacing, threatening (think Minotaur)
Nadir (n)
Low point, perigee
Nonplussed (adj)
Baffled, bewildered
Obstreperous (adj)
Noisily and stubbornly defiant, aggressively boisterous
Ossified (adj)
Tending to become more rigid, conventional, sterile, and reactionary with age; literally it means to be turned into bone
Palliate (v)
To make something seem less serious, to gloss over
Panegyric (n)
Formal praise, eulogy, encomium
Parsimonious (adj)
Cheap, miserly
Pellucid (adj)
Transparent, easy to understand, limpid
Proration (n)
The concluding part of a speech; flowery, rhetorical speech
Plangent (adj)
Pounding, thundering, resounding
Prolix (adj)
Long winded, verbose
Propitiate (v)
To appease; to conciliate
Puerile (adj)
Childish, immature, jejune, nugatory
Puissance (n)
Power, strength
Pusillanimous (adj)
Cowardly, craven
Remonstrate (v)
To protest, to object
Sagacious (adj)
Gavin sound judgment; perceptive, wise
Salacious (adj)
Lustful, lascivious, bawdy
Salutary (adj)
Remedial, wholesome, causing improvement
Sanguine (adj)
Cheerful, confident, optimistic
Saturnine (adj)
Gloomy, dark, sullen, morose
Sententious (adj)
Aphoristic or moralistic; epigrammatic; tending to moralize excessively
Stentorian (adj)
Extremely loud and powerful
Stygian (adj)
Gloomy, dark
Tendentious (adj)
Biased; showing marked tendencies
Timorous (adj)
Timid, fearful, diffident
Tyro (n)
Vitiate (v)
To corrupt, to debase, to spoil, to make ineffective
Voluble (adj)
Fluent, verbal, having easy use of spoken language