vocab for topic 3 - psychological problems Flashcards
International Classification of Diseases
is symptoms of depression, were thoughts relate to bodily feelings e.g. shaking limbs or feeling lethargic
negative feelings and thoughts associated with trying to quit an addictive substance/behaviour.
needing the addictive substance/behaviour in order to function normally
the need to increase the dosage of an addictive substance overtime, in order to get the same effect as a lower dosage before.
A mental health problem were a substance or behaviour is needed for the sufferer to go about their normal life.
A failed attempt at quitting
Dependence disorder
A mental health problem related to the body being dependent on a substance e.g. heroine
Behavioural addiction
An addiction to an activity e.g. shopping
Requirements diagnosis of addiction
At least 3 symptoms at the same time for 1 month or repeated occasions over a year
Requirements diagnosis of depression
At least one symptom for most of the time for two weeks and at least one other symptom.
Negative Triad
A theory that depression is caused by negative schemas about self, world and future.
Irrational Thinking
This is the cause of mental disorder according to the cognitive approach.
Cognitive Bias
This is an irrational way of thinking
How do negative schemas develop?
by past experiences
An example of a cognitive bias, whereby the individuals exaggerates the problem
A therapy which aims to change how the patient thinks in order to treat them
Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (based on ABC model) and involves disputing depressed peoples irrational thinking
A chemical found in the nervous system which sends messages between separate nerve cells
A category of drugs used to treat depression
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor is a type of drug used to treat depression. It increases the availability of serotonin.
The reabsorption of excess neurotransmitters by the neuron
A neurotransmitter which in depressed people is found at a very low level (not enough).
A drug which prevents the enzyme MAO from breaking down noradrenaline
A fake pill often used on research for the control group
Learning Theory
Suggests that behaviours are through association and experiences.
Classical conditioning
Behaviour is learnt through associating stimuli and response.
Operant conditioning
Behaviour is learnt through consequences (reinforcement)
Social Learning Theory
Behaviour is learnt through observation and imitation of role models.
A consequence of an action which increases the likelihood of the behaviour occurring again.
Functional Analysis
1st stage of CBT for addiction which identifies triggers
Skills Training
2nd stage of CBT for addiction which involves learning to control behaviour e.g. being assertive if experiencing peer pressure
A variant of a gene
A gene associated with the serotonin levels
Caspi et al.
Researched the influence of genes and life stress on depression
Diathesis-Stress Model
claim that people have a genetic predisposition for a disorder but it is only triggered when in stressful situations.
A tendency to develop a behaviour e.g. he had a genetic predisposition to become an addict
Studies the effectiveness if CBT with people addicted to the internet.
positive reinforcement
adding something good (reward)
negative reinforcement
taking away something bad