Vocab Enrichment 2.3 Flashcards
This deck introduces beginner-level body and health words. This roughly covers cards 600-660 of our 9000+ French vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
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the body
e.g. Take care of your body. You only have one
le corps
ex. Prends soin de ton corps. Tu n’en as qu’un
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my head
e.g. I got hit on the head with a ball
ma tête
ex. J’ai reçu une balle sur la tête
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my face
e.g. She has a very pretty face
mon visage
ex. Elle a un très joli visage
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my nose
e.g. He has a big nose
mon nez
ex. Il a un gros nez
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my mouth
e.g. Don’t talk with food in your mouth
ma bouche
ex. Ne parle pas la bouche pleine
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my lip
e.g. She has beautiful red lips
mes lèvres
ex. Elle a des lèvres rouges magnifiques
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my tongue
e.g. I burnt my tongue with hot coffee
ma langue
ex. Je me suis brûlé la langue avec du café très chaud
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my tooth
e.g. My teeth hurt
ma dent
ex. J’ai mal aux dents
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a toothbrush
une brosse à dent
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le dentifrice
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my chin
e.g. He has a sharp, pointy chin
mon menton
ex. Il a un menton fin et pointu
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my cheek
e.g. That little baby has the cutest little cheeks!
ma joue
ex. Ce petit bébé a des joues trop mignonnes !
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my ear / my outer ear
e.g. He has big ears
mon oreille
ex. Il a de grandes oreilles
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my ear / my inner ear
e.g. My ear hurts
mon oreille / mon oreille interne
ex. Mon oreille me fait mal
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my eye
e.g. You have beautiful eyes
mon oeil / mes yeux
ex. Tu as des yeux magnifiques
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my neck
e.g. She has a long neck
mon cou
ex. elle a un grand cou
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my throat
e.g. My throat hurts
ma gorge
ex. Ma gorge me fait mal
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my chest
e.g. He has a lot of hair on his chest
ma poitrine / mon torse
ex. Il a beaucoup de poils sur le torse
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my back
e.g. My lower back hurts
mon dos
ex. J’ai mal en bas du dos
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my shoulder
e.g. My shoulder hurts
mon épaule
ex. mon épaule me fait mal
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my arm
mon bras
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my elbow
mon coude
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my hand
e.g. Give me your hand
ma main
ex. Donne-moi la main
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my hip
e.g. I hurt my hip
ma hanche
ex. Je me suis fait mal à la hanche