Vocab Flashcards
Those books viewed by the church as authority and so fit to be included in the Bible
“Setting in Life”, referring to the original cultural and historical contexts in which an episode or narrative arose
Site im Leben
Complex and often unpredictable characters in a narrative
Round characters
Simple, one-dimensional, and predictable characters
Flat characters
Inverse parallelism, a concentric pattern in which a series of things repeats itself in reverse order
A “bookend” structure in which a similar statement or episode begins and ends a narrative sequence
A “sandwiching” technique, similar to inclusio, where one episode in inserted into the middle of another. The two episodes are generally related to a common theme
The spread of Greek culture and language, whether by coercion, fore, or natural appeal
The dispersion of Jews living outside Israel
A Latin term referring to the period of relative peace and stability established by Caesar Augustus
Pax Romona
The Jewish high priest during Jesus’ ministry
Experts in the law of Moses
A religious and political party in first-century Judaism’ made up mostly of the priestly leadership and aristocracy
A religious and political party in first-century Judaism, which strictly adhered to purity laws and the law of Moses(written and oral)
The earliest if the rabbinic writings, put into written form about AD 200, composed of the rulings of rabbis on a wide range of issues related to the application of Torah to everyday life
The complete body of Jewish oral traditions
Values in first-century Mediterranean culture which relate to gaining or losing status Ana’s esteem from others in the community
Honor and shame
Likely the patron who sponsored the writing of Luke and Acts
A Greek title given to Jesus in the prologue of Johns gospel which has conceptual roots in both Judaism and Hellenistic philosophy and which stresses Jesus’ identity as the self-revelation of God
A description(advocate, counselor, comforter) Jesus gives to the Holy Spiriting His Farewell Discourse in Johns Gospel
The philosophical perspective which claims that reason is the sole test of truth
German theologian, musician, philosopher, and physician whose magisterial Quest for the Historical Jesus criticized the First Quest for the Historical Jesus for merely reimagining Jesus as a 19th century rationalist
Albert Schweitzer
The most influential New Testament scholar of the 20th century: he sought to “demythologize” the anew Testament in ordered to discern its true existential message
Rudolf Bultmann
A 19th century German school of thought which sought to study religion in terms of its evolutionary development from simple polytheistic religions to complex monotheism
History of Religions School
History of Religion School
Impissima Verba
“Exact words”
Impissima Vox
“Authentic voice”
A rabbinic-style interpretation of the biblical text often associated with fictional expansions of Old Testament narrative
The practice of nuptials between a widow to the brother of her deceased husband in order to produce a heir for the dead man
Levitate Marriage
A description of a Jesus’ birth, whereby Mary conceived a Jesus through the supernatural intervention of Gods’ Spirit, rather than through sexual intercourse
Virginal conception
The traditional birthplace of Jesus, confirming this fulfillment of Micah 5:2 and His legitimacy as the Messiah from David’s line
The Galilean village where Jesus was raised
Likely a guest room in a private residence or an informal public shelter where travelers would gather for the night
Katalyma, “Inn”
Likely Persian or Arabian astrologers who charted the stars and attached religious significance to their movements
The Idumean(Edomite) ruler who gained the throne of Israel after the Roman conquest of Palestine and ruled fro Rome in Israel from 37-4BC
Herod the Great
The son of Herod the Great, rule ended when deposed by the Romans
Jesus’ predecessor, who announced the coming of the Messiah
John the Baptist
The inaugural event of Jesus’ ministry and represents Jesus’ Spirit-anointing for service
Baptism of Jesus
Common literary device in Hebrew poetry where 2 or more lines repeat similar thoughts
Synonymous Parallelism
Common literary device in Hebrew poetry where 2 or more lines provide contrasting thoughts
Antithetical Parallelism
A short, memorable statement of wisdom or truth
A play on words using terms that sound or look alike
A question of statement requiring thought to anger or understand
The philosophical perspective that God created the ordered world and then left it to run by natural laws
The act of the driving/casting out of an evil spirit possessing a person
The restoration of moral existence for those who have died
Resuscitations and Revicvications
A term used to express the unique authority as a spokesman for God
A reference to Jesus’ disciples (also known as the Apostles-who, Jesus chose)
The Twelve
A term meaning “follower” and sometimes used for all who followed Jesus, sometimes just His 12 special followers
A term menacing “one sent with a commission”(used in the Gospel of the 12, Jesus’ closest disciples)
From a Hebrew term(translated in Greeks as “Christ”) meaning “Anointed One”-God’s end times Savior sent to deliver
A title for Jesus, likely drawn from Daniel 7:13, referring to Jesus’ true humanity as well as His role as glorious redeemer, Jesus’ most common self-designation
Son of Man
A title for the Messiah indicating a unique relationship with God the Father
Son of God
An Aramaic expression meaning “Our Lord come!” And revealing a very high Christology in the early Aramaic-speaking church
The Roman prefect/governor of the Roman province of Judaea during the time of Jesus’ ministry
Pontus Pilate
The messianic figure who appears in Isaiah 52:12-53:13 and offers himself for the sins of God’s people
Suffering Servant
Jesus didn’t actually die on the cross but fell into a stupor and was revived in the cool air of the tomb
Swoon Theory
Jesus’ followers forgot where He was hurried and so mistakenly believed He had risen from the dead
Wrong Tomb Theory
Jesus’ disciples took His body and subsequently announced He had risen from the dead
Theft Theory