11 Flashcards
Perspective that reason is sole test of truth
First quest for the historical Jesus
19th century movement that sought to determine jesusmlife and miracles through rational perspective
Herman Samuel reimarus
First quest
On the intention of Jesus and disciples
No grand apspriations for religion but just wanted a new kingdom and free people
HED paulus
Jrsusnmiracles were mistaken observations
Ernest Renan
Life of jesus
Adolf von Harnack
What is Christianity
Awareness that gos was the the father of all humanity
Albert Schweitzer
Critique of first quest
Preached that these people tried to form jesus into philanthropist
No quest
20th century
Extreme skepticism concerning what can be known about historical Jesus
Rudolf bultmann
Most influential NT scholar
Believed it was impossible for a man to do miracles and 3 storied universe
Ernest troltsch
Principle of medological doubt- historical judgement can be revised
Analogy- host orical events to common experience
Correlation- historical phenomena exists with cause and effect
DF Strauss
Life of Jesus critically examined
Miracles were a myth
William rede
Theological propaganda
The messianic secret
Jesus lived an unmessiniv life
Johannes Weiss
Jesus as liberal social reformer
Jesus kingdom
Consistent eschatology
History of religions school
Religion is evolutionary
Wilhelm wrede
Aramaic jesus as the son of man but not as lord
Later on became Lord
Martin Kathler
Against rationalists viewpoint of historical Jesus
But believed Christ of faith, who is studyied in church today
Martin Heidegger
Human live with prospect of death and nothingness
Ernest kasemann
Problem of historical Jesus
3rd quest
Advanced biblical and archaeological studies
New methodologies
Jesus seminar
Group of scholars
Criteria of authenticity
Judge the historicity of the sayings of Jesus
Criterion of dissimilarity
Action of Jesus is authentic if not similar with emphases in early church or ancient Judaism
Tell what’s unique, not characteristic
Criterion of multiple attestation
Saying or story is authentic if it appears in most gospels
Criterion of embarrassment
Sayings that will embarrass the church would authentic
Criterion of Semitic flavor
Jewish or Palestinian flavor, words aramid