Vocab Flashcards
Sensory impulses from the periphery to the posterior horn of the spinal cord
The perception of pain from a normally non painful stimulus
Pathological fusion of bones across a joint
Made up of two vertebral bodies and an intervertebral discb weight bearing
Anterior motion segment
Type II nerve injury; disruption of not only the myelin sheath, but the axon as well. The epineurium and perinereurium remain in tact, meaning that there is still some continuity within the nerve. Axonotmesis leads to Wallerian degeneration a process whereby the part of the axon that is separated from the neuronal celled disintegrates distal to the injury. The prognosis for nerves ar this stage is fair, and recovery may require months. Commonly seen in crush injuries and displaced bone fractures.
Released from damaged muscle tissue; inflammatory process and sensitizes nociceptors
Small, slow, non-myelinated nerves carrying pain sensation; nociceptors
C fibers
Is a small progressive deformation of a structure under a constant, steadily applied load. When a load is applied to a viscoelastic structure, it immediately deforms under thebload.
Innervate the skin and intrinsic muscles of the back
Dorsal rami
Seen in nerve root compression; pain pattern follows course of a dermatoneb sharp or burning pain; radicular
Dermatogenous pain pattern
Motor impulses from the anterior horn of the spinal cord to the periphery
The tendency of tissue under load to return to it’s original size and shape after removal of the load. Rubber bands and ligaments are examples
Connective tissue that surrounds individual nerve fibers
Connective tissue that surrounds individual nerve fibers
Responsible for direction of motion (directional guidance)