Normal And Abnormal End Feels Flashcards
Firm but giving; resistance builds with lengthening; like stretching a piece of leather. Example: closed-packed position of the joint; external rotation of the shoulder. Abnormal example: capsular fibrosis (frozen shoulder)
Palpates as abrupt hard block with no end play with a normal ROM
Example: knee extension
Abnormal example: chronic whiplash
Giving, squeezing quality; results from the approximation of soft tissues; typically painless
Example: elbow flexion
Abnormal example: muscle hypertrophy; soft tissue swelling
Soft tissue approximation
Hard, non-giving abrupt stop as two surfaces meet
Example: elbow extension
Abnormal example: bone exists is (DJD)
Firm but giving; builds with elongation; palpates as deep, taut, and tender fibers. Exhibits restricted mobility and a rubbery end block
Example: hip flextion
Guarded, resisted by muscle contraction; muscle reaction should be felt. The end feel cannot be assessed because of pain or guarding.
Example: hyper mobility/instability
Muscle spasm
Normal end feel resistance is missing, end feel is not encountered at normal point, or the joint demonstrates unusual give. Pain is felt before full ROM is achieved
Bouncy, springy quality.
Example: meniscus tear, joint mice