Vocab 7 & 8 Flashcards
Gratuitous (adjective)
freely given; unearned
Etymology (noun)
the source and development of a word
Venerate (verb)
to regard with deep respect
Truism (noun)
an obvious statement of truth
Erudite (adjective)
having extensive knowledge
Charlatan (noun)
a person who falsely claims to have expert knowledge or skill; imposter
Charlatan (noun)
a person who falsely claims to possess expert knowledge or skill; imposter
Extol (verb)
To praise highly
Broach (verb)
to mention for the first time
Predisposed (verb)
To create or possess a habit or preference in advance
Immutable (adjective)
Never changing
Infringe (verb)
To violate or disregard a agreement
Specious (adjective)
seemingly desirable or true but not really
Ostensibly (adjective)
Outwardly apparent
Absolve (verb)
To declare free from guild
Subjugate (verb)
to force to submit
Antipodes (noun)
two things that are directly opposite of each other
Retroactive (adjective)
Applying to past events
Nettle (noun)
a stinging plant
(verb) to sting with