Vocab 15 & 16 Flashcards
perfidious (adjective)
illicit (adjective)
forbidden by law
discrepancy (noun)
inundate (verb)
to overwhelm
sumptuous (adjective)
costly; luxurious
inscrutable (adjective)
mysterious; confusing
abeyance (noun)
put aside for future action
primordial (adjective)
from earliest times
homogeneous (adjective)
same kind or nature
pervade (verb)
to spread
harbinger (verb)
to announce what will follow
emanate (verb)
to originate from
demagogue (noun)
a leader who stirs up people by appealing to their emotions
prevaricate (verb)
to evade the truth
detriment (noun)
obnoxious (adjective)
chastise (verb)
to punish; criticize
irrevocable (adjective)
not capable of being withdrawn
deplore (verb)
to feel sorry about
intercede (verb)
to plead or petition on another’s behalf