Vocab 7 Flashcards
Having opposite and conflicting feelings about someone or something
Syn: equivocal, ambiguous, of two minds
Ant: unequivocal, unambiguous,clear-cut
A state of being temporarily inactive, suspended, or set aside
Syn: deferment, postponement, suspension
To set upon from all sides; to surround with an army; to trouble, harass
Syn: besiege, encircle, pester
Carte Blanche
Full freedom or authority to act at ones own discretion
Syn: blank check, free rein
A sudden, violent, or devastating upheaval; a surging flood, deluge
Syn: disaster, catastrophe
To corrupt morally, to seduce; to indulge in dissipation; an act or occasion of dissipation or vice
Syn: carouse, spree, orgy
Ant: elevate, uplift, inspire, purify
Dazzling or conspicuous success or acclaim; great brilliance (of performing or achievement)
Syn: celebrity
Ant: dullness, insipidity, mediocrity
Overly demanding or hard to please; excessively careful in regard to details; easily disgusted
Syn: precise, meticulous, exacting, finicky
Ant: careless, sloppy, messy, untidy, slovenly
To jump or skip about playfully
Syn: frolic, romp, cavort, caper
Ant: lumber, trudge, plod
To soak or stain throughly; to fill the mind
Syn: infuse, instill, inculcate
Ant: remove, expunge, eradicate, erase
Just beginning; not fully shaped or formed
Syn: incipient, embryonic, rudimentary
Ant: mature, developed, complete
Malicious satire; to satirize, ridicule
Syn: burlesque, parody
Ant: compliment, flattery, homage
Capable of being formed into different shapes; capable of being altered, adapted, or influenced
Syn: pliable, impressionable, adaptable
Ant: rigid, inflexible, unyielding, intractable
An agent or force inflicting vengeance or punishment; retribution itself; an unbeatable rival
Syn: comeuppance, avenger
Ant: guardian angel, ally, patron
To make a choice or decision
Syn: choose, select, decide
Lacking in, hostile to, or smugly indifferent to cultural and artistic values or refinements; such a person
Syn: boorish, lowbrow, yahoo
Ant: refined, cultivated, esthete, highbrow
Involving or characteristic of clever rogues or adventurers
Syn: roguish, rascally, rakish
Nauseated or uneasy; causing nausea or uneasiness; troubled
Syn: unsettled
Ant: calm, untroubled, confident
Stubborn; hard or difficult to manage; not responsive to treatmentor cure
Syn: unruly, disobedient, willful, mulish
Ant: docile, tractable, dutiful, obedient
The ability to say and do the right thing in any situation; social competence
Syn: tact, finesse, suavity, sophistication
Ant: tactlessness, gaucherie, boorishness