Vocab Flashcards
tendency to maintain internal stability by coordinated responses that compensate for environmental changes
cell adaptation
occurs as a result of chronic stimulation by relatively low-level stress. days to weeks
cell injury
individual cell alteration
one adult cell type is replaced by another adult cell type
hyaline change
a descriptive term meaning “smooth and glossy”
black discoloration of the lung tissue and its draining lymph nodes from inhaled carbon
cysteine proteases that exist as pro-enzymes and are activated when cleaved
a form of cell death associated with damage from an external source that overwhelms the cell’s ability to survive. ALWAYS pathologic
coagulative necrosis
architecture of dead tissue is preserved, presumably because proteolytic enzymes are denatured. This pattern is associated with ischemia
liquefactive necrosis
Dead cells are completely digested leaving only viscous liquid. Often associated with bacterial and fungal infection as well as hypoxic tissue damage in the CNS.
fat necrosis
areas of fat destruction in which fatty acid products combine with calcium to produce chalky-white areas (saponification). Associated w/ pancreatitis and leakage of pacreatic lipase into adjacent tissues
caseous necrosis
dead tissue is transformed to a “cheesy” granular material. Ass. w/ TB infection
small, dark chromatin in apoptosis due to chromatin condensation and cleavage into fragments (also in irreversible necrotic cell death)
chromatin fragmentation (seen in nucleus in irreversible necrotic cell death)
fading of chromatin in nucleus (irreversible necrotic cell death)
free radical
molecules w/ single unpaired electron in outer orbit rendering highly reactive w/ other molecules.
reactive oxygen species
oxygen derived free radicals that are degraded and removed by cell defense mechanisms
dystrophic calcification
deposition of calcium salts in dying tissues. membrane damage initiates calcium concentration in cellular vesicles. ass. w/ necrosis, atherosclerosis, aging/damaged heart valves.
metastatic calcification
occurs when increased serum calcium and happens in otherwise normal tissue. Appears same as dystrophic calcium
increased fluid in tissue interstitial spaces
hydrothorax. fluid builds up around the lungs
hydroperitoneum. accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. causes abdominal swelling
severe generalized “whole body” edema with diffuse subcutaneous swelling
water and proteins both leak from vessels