vocab 5-6 Flashcards
retinue def
followers or servants who accompany an important person
retinue syn and ant
syn: entourage; cortege
disparity def
inequality; difference
disparity syn and ant
syn: gap
ant: similarity
extol def
praise highly
extol syn and ant
syn: exalt; laud
ant: chastise
conscript def
to force someone into malitary service
rancor def
extreme hatred or ill will
rancor syn and ant
syn: animosity; enmity
ant: amity; sympathy
clement def
merciful; lenient
clement syn and ant
syn: forbearing; benign
ant: malevolent; harsh
unfettered def
free from restrictions
unfettered syn and ant
syn: free; unrestrained
ant: restricted
adamant def
unyielding; firm in opinion
adamant syn and ant
syn: stubborn
ant: amenable; flexible
impute def
to credit with cause or fault
impute syn and ant
syn: attribute; ascribe
diffident def
lacking in self-confidence; shy
diffident syn and ant
syn: timid
ant: outgoing
ostensible def
professed but not necessarily true
ostensible syn and ant
syn: supposed
ant: actual
inexorable def
unrelenting; unavoidable
inexorable syn and ant
syn: relentless; certain
ant: avoidable; preventable
cliché def
a worn-out idea or overused expression
cliché syn and ant
syn: platitude; banality
opus def
a creative work, especiallly a numbered composition
prate def
to talk pointlessly and at length
prate syn and ant
syn: prattle; yak
credence def
belief or trust
credence syn and ant
syn: faith; confidence
ant: disbelief
collate def
to arrange into the proper order, especially documents
connoisseur syn and ant
ant: tyro; novice; neophyte
enigma def
a mystery; something seemingly inexplicable
enigma syn and ant
syn: riddle; puzzle
genteel def
polite and respectable in manner
genteel syn and ant
syn: refined; cultured
ant: boorish; rude
officious syn and ant
syn: meddlesome; interfering
fetid def
having a bad odor
fetid syn and ant
syn: rank; reeking
ant: fragrant; aromatic
jaunty def
having a buoyant, self-confident air; brisk and crisp
jaunty syn and ant
syn: confident; poised
condone def
to forgive or overlook an offense
condone syn and ant
syn: pardon; excuse
ant: condemn
torpor def
a state of sluggish mental or physical activity; a state not caring
torpor syn and ant
syn: apathy; indifference
ant: interest; eagerness
enthrall def
to captivate as though spellbound
enthrall syn and ant
syn: charm; enchant
ant: repulse
dilettante def
one who merely dabbles in an art or a science
dilettante syn and ant
syn: amateur; trifler
ant: expert; professional
venal def
capable or betraying trust, especially if bribed
venal syn and ant
syn: corrupt; crooked
ant: upright; honest
nuance def
a slight or subtle degree of difference
nuance syn and ant
syn: gradation; shade
cult def
an organized group of people with an obsessive devotion to a person or set of principles
cult syn and ant
syn: sect
circum- means
around, on all sides
naviga means
to sail or to steer
intro- and intra means
in, within, inside of
spec and spect mean
to see, to look
vert and vers mean
to turn
extro- means
arch means
to be first, rule, or govern
dem and demos mean
mit and mis mean
-ist means
one who practices or believes
-cracy means
rule by
-graphy means
writing about or study of