English Vocab #2 Flashcards
2disabuse syn and ant
syn: enlighten; inform ant: lie, misinform
disabuse sentence and part of speech
v. Pam felt it was time to disabuse her son of her belief in the tooth fairy.
disabuse definition
to free someone from believing something false
heresy syn and ant
ant: orthodoxy
audit sentence and part of speech
v. When Sienna is ready to graduate, the university will audit her records to verify that she took all the required classes
audit definition
to check the accuracy of financial accounts and records
motley syn and ant
syn: varied ant: uniform; homogenous; similar
libation sentence and part of speech
n. When we visited the vineyard, we were offered a small libation at the end of our tour
libation definition
a drink, especially an alcoholic one
docile syn and ant
syn: submissive; compliant ant: unmanageable; willful
restive syn and ant
syn: edgy; jumpy ant: relaxed; calm
banter syn and ant
syn: joshing; badinage; raillery ant: vituperation
castigate sentence and part of speech
v. The parson castigated the boy for noisily chewing gum in church
castigate definition
to criticize or punish severely
anathema syn and ant
syn: abhorration; detestation
ant: beloved
gauche syn and ant
syn: awkward
ant: graceful
ignominy sentence and part of speech
n. The mayor fell from public acclaim to complete ignominy in a week when her cocaine habit was discovered
ignominy definition
public shame, disgrace, or dishonor
dither syn and ant
syn: vacillate; waver
ant: settle; conclude
emaciated syn and ant
syn: withered
ant: plump; fattened
repine sentence and part of speech
v. Nathan repined loudly in his room after getting grounded for picking on his sister
repine definition
to be discontent as though yearning for something; to complain
The root anthro means
The suffix -ology means
study of
The root theo means
“God” or “Religion”
The suffix -oid means
having the shape of
The root morph means
The prefix a- means
The suffix -cracy means
government by