vocab 4 Flashcards
thrifty, adj.
Using money carefully and
wisely. SYN. Cautious,
pragmatic, adj.
Dealing with problems in a
sensible, practical way,
instead of following a set of
ideas, SYN. Practical, sensible
eccentric, n.
Someone who behaves in a
way that is unusual and
different from what is usual
or socially accepted. SYN.
Oddball ANT. conventional
karma, n.
- the force that is produced
by the things you do in your
life and that will influence you in
the future, according to the
Hindu and Buddhist religions.
- luck resulting from your
actions; FATE 3. the feeling
you get from a person, place
or action SYN. Chance, fate,
enigma, n.
A person, thing or event that
is strange or mysterious and
difficult to understand or
explain. SYN. Mystery, riddle,
- excellent and used as
an example to follow 2.
[only before a noun]
severe and used as a
warning SYN.
Commendable, excellent
Someone who claims
he/she can see what will
happen in the future
SYN. psychic
chimera, n.
- something, especially
an idea or hope, that is
not really possible and
can never exist 2. an
imaginary creature that
breathes fire and has a
lion’s head, a goat’s
body, and a snake’s tail
SYN. Fantasy
Experienced by
watching, hearing, or
reading about someone
else doing something,
rather than by doing it
utopia, n.
An imaginary perfect
world where everyone is
discreet, adj.
- careful about what you say or do so that
you do not upset or embarrass people,
especially by keeping a secret. 2. done, said,
or shown in a careful or polite way so that you
do not upset or embarrass people. 3.
approving, not easily noticed, especially
because small in size and showing good
judgment about style, politeness, etc. ANT.
elusive, adj.
- difficult to find , or not often seen. 2. an
elusive result is difficult to achieve. 3. an
elusive idea or quality is difficult to describe or
understand, SYN. vague
hypothetical, adj.
Based on a situation that is not real, but that
might happen. ANT. Real
oblivious, adj.
Not knowing about or not noticing something
that is happening around you. SYN. Ignorant,
solemn, adj.
- very serious in behavior and style. 2. a
promise that is made very seriously and with
no intention of breaking it. 3. a ceremony that
is performed in a serious way. SYN. Somber
and serious.
steadfast, adj.
- giving strong loyal support to another
person, organization, belief, etc. 2. being
certain that you are right about something
and refusing to change your position or
opinion in any way. SYN. Unwavering, loyal
frugal, adj.
- careful only to buy what is necessary.
2. a small meal with plain food.
diligent, adj.
- someone who works hard and
carefully 2. carefully and thoroughly
prudent, adj.
sensible and careful especially by
trying to avoid unnecessary risks
scrupulous, adj.
- careful to be honest and fair,
and making sure that every detail
is correct.
parochial, adj.
- only interested in the things that affect you
and your local area, and not interested in
more important matters. 2. relating to a
particular church
pious, adj.
- having strong religious beliefs, and showing
this in the way you behave. 2. disapproving
pious words, promises, attitudes are intended
to sound good or moral, although they are not.
cryptic, adj.
Deliberately mysterious, or having a secret
meaning. SYN. Mysterious, obscure
esoteric, adj.
known and understood by only a few
people who have special knowledge
about something SYN. Cryptic, obscure