Vocab 2 Flashcards
ameliorate, v.
To make something better. Syn.
Improve, upgrade
censure, n.
The act of officially expressing
strong disapproval and criticism.
Ant. approval
disparity, n
a difference between things,
especially an unfair difference.
Syn. Inconsistency
esteem, n.
esteem, v.
A feeling of respect and
admiration for someone.
Syn. Regard, value
indolence, n.
indolent, adj.
Lazy. Syn. Slowness, apathy.
Ant. energy
catharsis, n.
A way of dealing with bad
or strong feelings and
emotions, by expressing
or experiencing them
through writing, talking
clemency, n.
Forgiveness and less
severe punishment for a
crime, usually given by
someone in power such
as a governor or
- a liquid that produces
small bubbles of gas. 2.
someone or something
who is cheerful and active
extol, v.
To praise something very
fledgling, adj.
- an organization or state
that is only recently been
formed and is still
developing. 2. a young
bird that is learning to fly.
benign, adj.
- Not likely to hurt you or cause cancer 2.
Kind and unlikely to harm anyone.
blithe, adj.
- Seeming not to think or worry about the
effects of what you do. 2. Literary – cheerful
and having no worries.
fallacy, n.
- a false idea or belief, especially one that a
lot of people believe to be true. 2. a
weakness in someone’s idea or argument
that is caused by a mistake in the way they
have thought about the idea or argument
frivolous, adj.
- not serious or sensible especially in a way
that is not appropriate for a particular
occasion 2. a persona who likes having fun
rather than doing serious or sensible things.
hindrance, n.
- Something or someone that makes it
difficult for you to do something successfully.
- The act of making it difficult for someone to
do something.
jeopardy, n.
jeopardize, v.
In danger of being lost or harmed. To risk
losing or spoiling something important of
anomaly, n.
Something that is noticeable because it
is different from what is usual.
The exact opposite of something, or
something that is completely different
from something else.
elation, n.
A feeling of extreme happiness and
jocular, adj.
Joking or humorous
appease, v.
to make someone less angry or stop him
or her from attacking you by giving him
or her what he or she wants.
assuage, v.
To make a bad feeling less painful or
serene, adj.
- Calm, peaceful, untroubled; tranquil 2.
Used as a term of respect for members of
some European families (His Serene Highness)
placid, adj.
Not easily upset or excited; calm or peaceful,
with little movement or activity (esp. a place or
stretch of water)