Vocab 2 - Intro to Info Security (Glossary) Flashcards
The ability and opportunity to gain knowledge of
classified information.
Access = eligibility +
need-to-know + a signed SF-312.
Automatic Declassification
Declassification of information that is more than 25 years
old and is not otherwise prevented from being declassified
by an approved exemption. Such information shall be
declassified on the 31st of December, 25 years from the
date of original classification.
Banner marking
Indicate the highest level of classification of the overall
document, as determined by the highest level of any one
portion within the document. They are placed on the top
and bottom of every page of the document.
Center of Development of Security Excellence (CDSE)
Provides security education and training to Department of
Defense and other U.S. Government personnel, DoD
contractors, and sponsored representatives of foreign
The act or process by which information is determined to
require protection against unauthorized disclosure and is
marked to indicate its classified status.
Classification Authority Block
Indicates who the document was classified by, where it
was derived from, downgrade instructions, and when it
should be declassified. The CAB is placed on the face of
each classified document near the bottom.
Classified Information
Information that has been determined, pursuant to
Executive Order 12958 or any predecessor order, or
pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, to require
protection against unauthorized disclosure and is marked
to indicate its classified status when in documentary form.
Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement
SF 312, a contractual agreement between the U.S.
Government and a cleared employee that must be
executed as a condition of access to classified information.
Items of information that are individually unclassified or
classified at a lower level, may be classified, or classified
at a higher level, only if the compiled information reveals
an additional association or relationship.
An unauthorized disclosure of classified information.
Confidential (C)
Information or material of which unauthorized disclosure
could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security that the Original Classification Authority is able
to identify or describe.
Contained in
Applies when derivative classifiers incorporate classified
information, word for word, from an authorized source
into a new document, and no additional interpretation or
analysis is needed to determine the classification of that
An individual who has possession of, or is otherwise
charged with, the responsibility for safeguarding classified
Measures that protect and defend information and
information systems.
An authorized change in status of information from
classified to unclassified.
Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review
Responsible for managing the DoD security review
program and reviewing written materials for public and
controlled release.
Department of Defense (DoD)
Department of Defense – Provides the military forces
needed to deter war and protect national security. Under
the President, the Secretary of Defense directs and
exercise authority and control over the separately
organized Departments of the Air Force, the Army, and
the Navy; over the Joint Chiefs of Staff; over the
combatant commands; and over defense agencies and field
Department of Defense Directive (DoDD)
Department of Defense Directive
Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI)
Department of Defense Instruction
Department of Defense Manual (DoDM)
Department of Defense Manual
Derivative Classification
Incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or generating in
new form information that is already classified, and
marking the newly developed material consistent with the
classification markings that apply to the source
Derivative Classifiers
All cleared DoD and authorized contractor personnel who
generate or create new material from sources which are
already classified.
Destroying classified information so that it can’t be
recognized or reconstructed.
The sharing or transmitting of classified information to
others who have authorized access to that information.
Any physical medium in or on which information is
recorded or stored, to include written or printed matter,
audiovisual materials, and electromagnetic storage
A determination by an OCA or declassification authority
that information classified and safeguarded at a specified
level shall be classified and safeguarded at a lower level.
A determination made regarding how long information is
to be protected (i.e., when the information will lose its
sensitivity and no longer merit or qualify for
Executive Order (E.O.) 13526
Establishes the legal authority for certain officials within
the Executive Branch of the Federal government to
designate classified national security information.
A DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility (DoD CAF)
has made an adjudicative determination of a member’s
Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) and that member
may have access to classified information equal to the
level of their adjudicated investigation.
Evaluated Products List (EPL)
A list of destruction products that have been tested and
meet performance requirements.
Permanent exclusions or deviations put in place when
classified information cannot be safeguarded to the
standards or requirements specified in DoDM 5200.01.
Executive Order (E.O.)
An order issued by the President to create a policy and
regulate its administration within the Executive Branch.
General Services Administration (GSA)
Federal agency which establishes and publishes uniform
standards, specification, and supply schedules for units
and key-operated and combination padlocks suitable for
the storage and protection of classified information.
Government Information (Official)
A step in the original classification process; for
information to be identified as official, it must be owned
by, produced by or for, or under the control of the U.S.
A step in the original classification process that assesses
the probable operational, technological, and resources of
Knowledge that can be communicated, and documentary
material, regardless of its physical form or characteristics,
that is owned by, produced by or for, or is under the
control of the U.S. Government.
Information Security
The system of policies, procedures, and requirements
established in accordance with EO 13526 to protect
information that, if subjected to unauthorized disclosure,
could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national
security. The term also applies to policies, procedures and
requirements established to protect controlled unclassified
information, which may be withheld from release to the
public in accordance with statue, regulation, or policy.
Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)
Oversees programs for classified national security
information and controlled unclassified information in
both Government and industry and reports on their status
annually to the President.
Information Security Program (ISP)
Implements policy, assign responsibilities, and provide
procedures for the designation, marking, protection, and
dissemination of controlled unclassified information
(CUI) and classified information, including information
categorized as collateral, sensitive compartmented
information (SCI), and Special Access Program (SAP).
Information System (IS)
An assembly of computer hardware, software, and
firmware configured for the purpose of automating the
functions of calculating, computing, sequencing, storing,
retrieving, displaying, communicating, or otherwise
manipulating data, information and textual material.
The inability to physically locate or account for classified
Mandatory Declassification Review
A way for members of the public to request the review of
specific classified information.
Serve to alert holders to the presence of classified
information and technical information with restriction on
its dissemination; identify, as specifically as possible, the
exact information that needs protection; indicate the level
of classification assigned to the information; provide
guidance on downgrading and declassification; give
information on the source or sources and reason or
reasons for classification or other restrictions; and warn
holders of special access, control, or safeguarding
National Security
Information relating to the national defense or foreign
relations of the United States.
National Security Administration (NSA)
Agency of the Federal Government that maintains listings
of evaluated destruction products that have been tested
and meet performance requirements and provides
information assurance services and information and
signals intelligence.
Original Classification
An initial determination that information requires, in the
interests of national security, protection against
unauthorized disclosure
Original Classification Authority (OCA)
An individual authorized in writing, either by the
President, the Vice President, or by agency heads or other
officials designated by the President, to originally classify
Portion Marking
Indicates the highest level of classification in every
portion of the document and must be placed at the
beginning of the respective portion.
Properly Marked Source Document
An authorized source of classification guidance used by a
derivative classifier, from which information is extracted,
paraphrased, restated, and/or generated in a new form for
inclusion in another document.
Revealed by
Applies when classified information has been paraphrased
or restated and not taken word for word from an
authorized source document, but the classification is
deduced from interpretation or analysis.
Refers to using prescribed measures and controls to
protect classified information.
Scheduled Declassification
A set date or event, determined by the Original Classification Authority (OCA), which will occur within 25 years from the date of original classification.
Secret (S)
Information or material of which unauthorized disclosure
could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to
national security that the Original Classification Authority
is able to identify or describe.
Security Classification Guidance
Any instruction or source that sets out the classification of
a system, plan, program, mission, or project. Initially
issued by an Original Classification Authority to
document and disseminate classification decisions under
their jurisdiction.
Security Classification Guide (SCG)
Form of classification guidance issued by an OCA that
identifies the elements of information regarding a specific
subject that must be classified and establishes the level
and duration of classification for each such element.
Security Incidents
When someone fails to use proper security requirements
for protecting classified information. There are four types,
security violation, security infraction, spillage and
unauthorized disclosure.
Security Infraction
A failure to comply with security requirements which
cannot reasonably be expected to, and does not result in
the loss, suspected compromise or compromise of
classified information.
Security Manager
Manages and implements the DoD activity’s information
security program on behalf of the activity head, to whom
he or she shall have direct access.
Security Violation
Occurs when there is a knowing, willful, or negligent
action that could reasonably be expected to result in the
loss, suspected compromise or compromise of classified
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)
Information that needs extra protection above a Top Secret
security clearance level. SCI can come from various
sources and has to have special handling, which involves
controls to access.
Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement
Security Container Information, used to maintain a record
for each container and to record the combination.
Activity Security Checklist, used to record checks of work
areas at the end of each working day.
Security Container Check Sheet, used to record the
securing of vaults, rooms, and containers used for storing
classified material.
Cover sheet for Top Secret material
Cover sheet for Secret material
Cover sheet for Confidential material
Special Access Program (SAP)
A program established for a specific class of classified
information that imposes safeguarding and access
requirements that exceed those normally required for
information at the same classification level.
Occurs when classified data is introduced on an
information system not approved for that level of
Systematic Declassification
Review of classified information that has been exempted
from automatic declassification.
Top Secret (TS)
Information or material of which unauthorized disclosure
could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave
damage to national security that the Original
Classification Authority is able to identify or describe.
The sending of information from one place to another by
audio, microwave, laser, or other non-connective methods,
as well as by cable, wire, or other connective medium.
Transmission also includes movement involving the actual
transfer of custody and responsibility for a document or
other classified material from one authorized addressee to
Unauthorized Disclosure
A communication or physical transfer of classified
information to an unauthorized recipient.
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)
Provides implementation guidance for the Information
Security Program within the DoD.
Temporary exclusions or deviations put in place when
classified information cannot be safeguarded to the
standards or requirements specified in DoDM 5200.01.