Vocab Flashcards
The representation of abstract ideas are principles by characters, figures or events in narrative, drama or in the form of pictures. Sometimes called an extended metaphor.
The rhyming of a consonant sounds at the beginning of two or more words close to one another. Provide our intensifies the rhythm. Can also link seemingly unrelated ideas with one another.
An explicit or indirect reference to a person, place or event in history mythology or the Bible
Okay is when a word or expression is use that may be interpreted in different ways.
The building up of ideas or events in order of increasing importance. However the least event, idea is trivial, unimportant or let down
Anti thesis
Words/phrases/sentences/ideas strongly contrasted or balanced against one another in order to stress and idea was to create and definite expression.
When the poet/speaker addresses someone, who is dead or present, or an abstraction as if that person or abstraction is present
The repetition of the same word sounds in words that are close to one another.
Blank verse
Andre emphasis. Even though these rhythm, the lines do not drive. With free verse the lines are without any specific rhyme or rhythm.
A break in the line of thought example with a comma
Define artefact rated by series of words or statements that buildup towards a peak
The associate,’ loaded’ meanings of words
The dictionary meaning of a word, its literal meaning
Letters left out to intensify the rhythm
Also called a run online. One line of poetry runs into a
Without the usage of punctuation marks on natural pauses