Vocab 12 Flashcards
a coarse cake made of cornmeal, originally baked on the blade of a farming hoe.
- the rough silk enveloping a silkworm’s cocoon.
- clean between (one’s teeth) with dental floss.
“I flossed my teeth” - the silky down in corn and other plants.
“milkweed floss”
die (archaic)
have an orgasm
- a memorial, typically medieval, consisting of a flat piece of inscribed brass, laid in the floor or set into the wall of a church.
- the brass ring — a prize or goal that someone strives for.
“Willa went for the brass ring4 - a person’s hardness or effrontery.
“he was the only one who had the brass to show his face” - people in authority or of high military rank. (plural: top brass)
- a yellow alloy of copper and zinc.
“a brass plate on the door”
cut open and remove the internal organs of.
“the dinosaur used its claw to disembowel prey”
D. B. Cooper
D. B. Cooper (also known as Dan Cooper) is a false name for a man who hijacked an airplane in November 24, 1971. It’s one of the FBI’s greatest unsolved mysteries
- deprive (something) of its essential content.
“myriad little concessions that would eviscerate the project” - disembowel (a person or animal).
“the goat had been skinned and neatly eviscerated”
- bold and without shame.
“he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance” - made of brass.
“brazen fire irons” - harsh in sound.
“the music’s brazen chords” - endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame.
“there was nothing to do but brazen it out”
fo shizzle my nizzle
“for sure, my nigga” Snoop’s catchphrase
a girl or woman who behaves in a disrespectful or inappropriate way or who has many casual sexual relationships.
“that brazen little hussy!”
- Latin acronym, “a sound mind in a sound body”
- Shoe-brand with “ASICS” as their motto
the state or process of being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death from being too weak to hold your ribcage
Anaphylactic shock
A rare, deadly allergic reaction releasing excess chemicals like histamine followed by a rapid onset of symptoms, (difficulty breathing), (low blood pressure), and other systemic reactions. Triggered by certain foods (such as nuts or shellfish), insect stings, medications, exercise, and latex.
a histamine blocker and antacid. Treats peptic ulcers, gastritis, acid reflux, anaphylactic shock
- a lively style of dance popular especially in the 1940s and 1950s, performed to swing music or rock and roll.
- jazz jargon
- taunt or sneer at.
“Willy kept jiving him until Jimmy left” - deceitful or worthless.
“All that jive” like “All that jazz”
a brown deposit resembling soil, formed by partial vegetable decomposition. It’s the soil block that you always think is manure
- involve someone or something in (a difficult situation).
“the economy is mired in its longest recession since the war” - a wetland area or ecosystem based on peat.
- a situation or state of difficulty, distress, or embarrassment from which it is hard to extricate oneself.
“he has been left to squirm in a mire of new allegations” - a stretch of swampy or boggy ground.
“acres of land had been reduced to a mire”
a nickname or pet name for a person
- a phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.
“old men are often unfairly awarded the epithet “dirty.”
(as adjective)
“people jeered and hurled racial epithets”
High Roller
- a person who spends freely in luxurious living
- a person who gambles recklessly or for high stakes
Peasy head
African hair so uncatered it turns to giant coils
“Damn nigga yo head peasy as hell you needa brush that shit”
a supporter of the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. (search what these are pls)
“some of the workers are Marxists”
- the fists, especially when raised in a fighting attitude.
“he wasn’t afraid to put up his dukes to defend his honor” - a male holding the highest hereditary title in the British and certain other peerages.
“news broke of the duke’s departure” - Duke (fight) it out
- (in Marxist contexts) upholding the interests of capitalism; not communist.
“bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property” - of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.
“a rich, bored, bourgeois family”
- Exert yourself to the point of exhaustion (cus push so hard you fart)
- A fart
- A fool
- characterized by an oppressive stillness.
“the atmosphere is languorous and sultry” - characterized by tiredness or inactivity, especially of a pleasurable kind.
“summer has a slow, languorous feel to it here”
In the dog house
Being in trouble with someone who has the ability to affect your life. “Insubordinate athletes are often in the doghouse with their coaches like husbands with their wives.”
Sensory from one sense is connected to another sense. For instance, people with synesthesia may experience colors when listening to music, see shapes when smelling certain scents, or perceive tastes when looking at words.
Gravitational Contraction
the process of a cloud’s gravity overcoming its internal pressure and causing a collapse
- the impression or appearance of something.
“he carries the patina of old money and good breeding” - a green or brown film on the surface of bronze or similar metals, produced by oxidation over a long period.
“many bronzes have been overcleaned, their original patina removed and artificially replaced” - a green or brown film on the surface of bronze or similar metals, produced by oxidation over a long period.
“many bronzes have been overcleaned, their original patina removed and artificially replaced”
practical wisdom about law,” the intellectual capacity to frame and apply laws according to sound theoretical principles
- military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features.
“an excellent aircraft for low-level reconnaissance” - preliminary surveying or research.
“conducting client reconnaissance”
- a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
“the men set off in fear and trepidation” - trembling motion.
- a man in charge of a great household, as that of a sovereign; a chief steward.
- a steward or butler.
a sudden springing forth of besieged troops to defend against attackers