Vocab 11/26 Flashcards
Concord def
Concord sent
There was a concord between two countries
Condescend sent
Your tone is very condescending
Condescend def
To deal with people in a patronizing manner
Conducive def
To contribute to an end
Conducive sent
The classroom had a conducive atmosphere for learning
Confer def
To consult
Confer sent
The attorney conferred with his client
To reveal a confidence
Confide sent
She confided her darkest secret to him
Conflagration def
A great fire
Conflagration sent
Conflagration destroyed the crops
Confluence def
A place where streams meet
Confluence sent
We picnicked at the confluence of the rivers
Congenial def
Having kindred taste/friendly
Congenial sent
The congenial man made me smile
Conjugal def
Pertaining to marriage
Conjugal sent
A man and a women made conjugal vows
Connive def
To scheme
Connive sent
The conniving child made his friends steal candy
Connote def
To imply
Connote sent
The child’s face connoted innocence