Vocab 10/16 Flashcards
Litotes def
Intensional understatement for effect using a negative
Litotes ex
No mean feet
Synecdoche 1 def
A part to signify the whole
Synecdoche 1 ex
All hands on deck
Synecdoche 2 def
The whole represents a part
Synecdoche 2 ex
Canada played the united states in hockey
Synecdoche 3 def
The container representing the thing being contained
Synecdoche 3 ex
The pot is boiling
Synecdoche 4 def
The material represents the object itself
Synecdoche 4 ex
The quarterback tossed the pigskin
Metonymy def
The name of one thing represents something closely associated
Metonymy ex
I love Shakespeare
Ascendant ex
Ascetic def
A person who practices self denial
Ascetic ex
The ascetic monk lived a very simple life
Assiduous def
Astute def
Astute ex
The astute man made many keen observations
Audacious def
Fearlessly daring; extremely bold
Audacious ex
The audacious explorer found a shortcut through the woods
Auspice def
Favoring, protecting, or guidance
Auspice ex
Under the auspice of the king the man was able to travel freely through the kingdom
Banal def
Common place; boring
Banal ex
The party is banal
Begrudge ex
To envy one of the possessions of
Begrudge ex
She begrudged her for her perfect score on the final
Bellicose def
Bellicose ex
The bellicose rebel started to fight
Benign def
Good-kind heart; not malignant
Benign ex
The tumor was benign