VOC U5 Definitions - EN - DEF Flashcards
adopt v. [T] (Becoming a member of a society means adopting its values.)
to choose to accept a proposal or idea.
assign v. [T] (He’s been assigned to the Asian Affairs Bureau.)
to give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing.
assignment n. [C] (His first assignment for the newspaper was to report on the French elections.)
a piece of work that is given to someone as part of their job.
brief v. [T] (The CEO has been fully briefed on the latest results.)
to give someone all the information they will need about a situation
broad adj. (Our study programmes fall into three broad categories.)
including many different kinds of things or people.
broadly-based (also broad-based AmE) adj. (There is broadly-based public opposition to the government’s proposal.)
based on many kinds of things or people.
claim v. [I,T] (You can claim on the insurance if you have an accident while on holiday.)
to ask for money from an organisation because you have a right to it.
compensate v. [T] (1) Nobody knows if compensating executives better makes their companies perform any better. 2) The salary isn’t as good, but, for me, the opportunity to travel compensates for that.)
1) to pay someone in money and other ways for work that they do. 2) to replace or balance the effect of something bad.
compensation n. [U] (1) She received compensation for the damage caused to her property. 2) Japanese workers get 30% of their compensation in vacation pay and bonuses.)
1) money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss. 2) the total amount of money and other advantages that someone receives as an employee.
compensatory adj. (Workers are given a compensatory day off when a national holiday falls on a weekend.)
intended to reduce the bad effects or harm from something.
dealership n. [C] (The special offer produced a flood of inquiries at Ford dealerships.)
a business that sells a particular company’s product, especially cars.
deposit n. [C] (You can make deposits in the cash machines.)
an amount of money that is paid into a bank account.
deposit v. [T] (Each month your salary will be deposited directly into your account.)
to put money in a bank where it will be safe.
fully-edged (also full- edged AmE) adj. [only before noun] (At the age of 22, Davis became the youngest fully-edged member of the board of directors.)
completely developed, trained or established.
global adj. (Multinational companies create, in effect, a global economy.)
affecting or including the whole world.
globalisation (also globalization) n. [U] (Globalisation brings both benefits and harm to the development of poorer countries.)
the process of making something such as a business operate in a lot of different countries all around the world, or the result of this.
globalise (also globalize) v. [I,T] (Corporate alliances have globalised the aerospace industry.)
to have business activities all over the world:
immigrate v. [I] (His father and mother immigrated when he was two.)
to come into a country in order to live there permanently.
Independent outlet n. [C] (Many of the town’s restaurants are chains, but there are also some good independent outlets.)
a shop that sells a particular company’s product, but is not owned by that company.
labour-scarce adj. (As the country’s population grows older, the country is becoming labour-scarce.)
not having enough people to work for an organisation or in a company.
mobilise (also mobilize) v. [T] (They failed to mobilise their resources effectively. )
to start to use the things or people you have available in order to achieve something.
mobility n. [U] (For many people, there is greater mobility today than ever before.)
the ability to move easily from one job, area or social class to another.
performance review n. [C] (We have an annual performance review and a six monthly mini-review.)
a meeting between an employee and a manager to discuss the quality of the employee’s work and areas for future progress.
relocate v. [I,T] (A lot of firms are relocating to the north of England.)
to move to a different place, especially for work.
relocate v. [I,T] (A lot of firms are relocating to the north of England.)
to move to a different place, especially for work.
relocation n. [U] (Profits fell 18% following the company’s restructuring and office relocations.)
the process of moving to a different place, especially for work.
relocation n. [U] (Profits fell 18% following the company’s restructuring and office relocations.)
the process of moving to a different place, especially for work.
retention n. [C] (The retention of valued employees is worth more than a little inconvenience.)
the act of keeping someone or something.
scratch n. [U] (He had built the business up from scratch.)
from scratch from the beginning, without using anything that was prepared before.
secondment (n. [U]) (As part of her training, she will go on secondment to our office in Japan.)
a period of time that you spend working for the same organisation, but in a different location
settle in/into phr. v. [I] (It takes a few months to settle into life at college.)
to become comfortable and happy in a new place or situation.
settle on something phr. v. [T] (Following the consultation, the council settled on a location for the new shopping centre.)
to decide or agree on something, especially after a long discussion.
ship v. [T] (About half of the whisky produced in Scotland is shipped to Japan and the US.)
to send goods somewhere by ship, plane, truck, etc.
shipping n. [U] (Bananas are picked while they are still green to avoid damage during shipping.)
the delivery of goods, especially by ship.
tax requirement n. [C] (What are the tax requirements if I live and work abroad but remain a citizen here?)
a rule about what you must pay as income tax.
tax1 v. [T] (Cigarettes are heavily taxed in Britain.)
to charge a tax on something.
tax2 n. [C,U] (Many people feel they are paying too much tax.)
an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods, etc. and that is used to pay for public services.
taxable adj. (Many social security benefits are also taxable.)
if money that you receive is taxable, you have to pay tax on it.
taxation n. [U] (How do I protect my investments from taxation?)
the system of charging taxes, or the money that is collected as a tax.