voc anglais Flashcards
un changement profond, un tournant décisif
a watershed
ne pas atteindre les espérances, ce qui était attendu
to fall short of expectations
saisir une opportunité, une occasion ponctuelle
to cash in on
ex: Producers where not able to cash in on those opportunities.
s’accaparer le marché
to corner the market
prendre des mesures radicales contre quelque chose
to crack down on something
Ex: Economic interests are pressing international organizations to crack down on corruption
la consommation ostentatoire
conspicuous consumption
Ex: Conspicuous consumption of ill-gotten gain (= biens mal acquis) replaced a charitable spirit of sharing
l’âge d’or, l’apogée
the heyday
The heyday of American imperialism is fading.
la bulle internet
the dot-com boom
The thriving economic period during the presidency of B. Clinton (1992-2000) stems partly from the dot-com boom.
une industrie mal en point, en difficulté
an ailing industry
the industry was ailing
l’exemple parfait
an epitome
Bill gates is probably the epitome of the philantropist.
faire les frais de…
être le plus touché par
to bear the brunt of
le prix des matières premières
the price of raw materials
endiguer // découler de
to stem // to stem from
aggraver (ou combiner)
to compound
Ex: According to NGOs, this agreement remains insufficient and the results are bitter-sweet