Vitreous/Retina/Uvea Flashcards
The vitreous attaches most firmly where?
Vitreous base - extends more posteriorly with advancing age.
What is the primary vitreous?
Fibrillar material, meschymal cells, and vascular components: the hyaloid artery, vasa hyaloidea propria, and tunica vasculosa lentos.
What is secondary vitreous?
Begins to form at the nineth week destine to become the MAIN portion of the vitreous in the adult eye.
What is teritary vitreous?
zonular fibers
Asteriod bodies stain with what and are made up of what?
Neutral fat, phospholipids, calcium; alcian blue, metachromatic and exhibit bifringence. Asteriod bodies can be surrounded by a foreign body giant cell.
Where is the water shed area of the retina?
Inner nuclear layer
What does retina blood supply?
Up to the inner 2/3 of the inner nuclear layer
What does choroidal circulation supply?
Outer 1/3 of the inner nuclear layer
What are the 8 functions of the RPE?
- Vit A metabolism
- Formation of the basal lamina of the inner portion of Bruch’s membrane
- Production of the mucopolyscarride matrix that surrounds the photoreceptor outer segments
In oculocutaneous albinism what is seen on histology?
Amount of melanin in each melanosome is reduced
In ocular albinism what is seen on histology?
The number of mealosomes is reduced
Mylinated NFL is a/w what?
- Myopia
- Amblyopia
- Strabismus
- Nystagmus
Where is reticular peripheral cystoid degeneration found ?
NFL and more posterior to areas of TPCD - typical periphearl cystoid degeneration
What are some histological characteristics for Lattice degeneration?
- Discontinuity of the ILM
- Sclerosed vessels that remain PATENT
- Variable degrees of atrophy of the INNER layers of the retina.
- RD as a result of vitreous adhesions at the MARGIN of LD
In Pavingstone degeneration what do you see?
Inner nuclear layer is adherent to Bruch’s membrane b/c occlusion of the choriocapillaris can lead to loss of the outer retinal layers and RPE.
What are cystoid bodies?
Localized accumulations of axoplasmic material that are present in ischemic infarcts of the NFL (ischemic damage to the nerve fibers of the ganglion cells)
CWS take how long to resolve?
4-12 weeks.
Henle’s layer is where?
Outer plexiform layer of the macula
Chronic retinal ischemia leads to architectural changes in the retina. Adjacent to acellular capillaries, what forms?
Dilated irregular vascular channels = IRMA and microaneurysms often appear.
What is a micro aneurysm histologically?
Hyalinized hypocelluar ma’s
Carotid vascular dx forms what type of plaque?
Hollenhorst - cholesterol emboli
Cardiac vascular dx causes what type of plaque?
calcific emboli
Thromboembolism forms what type of plaque?
platelet-fibrin emboli
What are histoloical changes seen in DR?
- Thickening of the retinal capillary BM
- SELECTIVE loss of pericytes compared with retinal capillary endothelial cells
- CORNEAL epithelial BM is thickened.
What histologically does NOT develop in ROP?
Retinal edema and exudates
What are the 5 AREDS vitamins?
- Vit C
- Vit E
- Beta cartone
- Zinc
- Copper
Type 1 CNV is located where and a/w what?
Within Bruch’s membrane in the sub-RPE space; more characteristic of AMD
Type 2 CNV is located where and a/w what?
Sub retinal and a/w ocular histoplasmosis
The ABCA4 gene is Stargardts codes what?
RIM protein which helps in ATPase binding.
What is the most common mutation a/w pattern dystrophies?
RDS/peripherin gene
What is the incidence of RP?
What type of gene is the retinoblastoma gene?
What are histological findings of RB?
- Tumor cells surrounding blood vessels
- Zones of tumor necrosis
- Calcium present in necrotic areas
- Nuclei 2x the size of lymphocytes with amount no cytoplasm.
- Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes - expressions of retinal differentiation
What do Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes look like?
Cells of rosettes surround a CENTRAL LUMEN lined by refractile structures. Refracticle lining corresponds to the EXTERNAL LIMITING MEMBRANE
In what 4 dx are Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes seen in?
- RB
- Pinealoblastoma
- Medulloepithelioma
- Ectopic intracranial retinoblastoma
Where are Homer Wright rosettes seen in?
- Neuroblastoma
- Medulloblastoma
- RB
What are Homer Wright rosettes and what does it look like?
NOT RETINAL differenitaion
Filled with a tangle of eosinophilic cytoplasm
(Homer Simpson likes jelly donuts - no hole)
What is a fleurette?
Photoreceptor differentiation seen in RB. Expresses a GREATER degree of retinal differentiation than does Flexner-Wintersteriner rosettes.