Viticulture Flashcards
Which of the following sets are all major vine nutrients
Nitrogen phosphorus and potassium
In a vineyard the chemical composition of the soil is usually considered more important than the physical structure true or false
Vine branches begin their existence as
A trellis system is
All the above designed to maximize sunlight promote circulation and protect vines
Which of the following statements is true
A Guyot trellis system is cane pruned
The term Vinifera?
None of tge above
A crossing is the new great variety created by combining parent grapes
Of the same species
Pinot noir
Has nearly 1000 clowns including Pommarde
New grapevines
Tend to decline by their 20th year
Which of the following statements is not correct
At veraison the grape berry is small hard green and high in acid
The first visible sign the DeVine is awake in spring is
The period when flower fertilization occurs in the great berries begin to develop is known as
Fruit set
Harvesters optimal win
Sugar levels are in balance with acidity and ph
In photosynthesis
Chlorophyll in the leaves reacts with sunlight to change carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen
Which of the following procedures move sugars from the grape leaves to the grave berries
The climate of the individual vineyard is referred to as
Meso climate
Mediterranean climates have warm dry summers and mild wet winters and generally low humidity
Which of the following statements is not true
Warmer regions yeild fruit that is more tart than cooler regions Not true
Which of the following statements is true
Grapevines can adapt to nearly any type of soil as long as it drains well
The further a vineyard lies from the equator
All the above
To cure soil that is too acidic the grower might possibly add
Calcium oxide
Vines that are purchased already grafted
Are bench grafted
Shoot devigoration
Forces an upward growing shoot downward
A renewal spur
All the above
Is a kind of louse that damages vine roots
The cure for phyloxera infestation is generally
Grafting vines into resistant route stocks
They go noir Schamber send the doll blank and silver blog
Are called French American hybrid vines
Which vineyard past is combined with its appropriate disease
Mealybug leaf roll virus
Pierces disease is a bacterial disease spread by insects true or false
Which federal agency overseas organic certification of vineyards
Bio dynamic vita culture is essentially the same as organic Valley culture by adding theories of sustainability
Which statement is not true
Sustainable vita culture follows the USDA’s NOP program standards
Which statement is true
Integrated pest management may support organic Vitacture
Integrated pest management
Balances the population and ecosystem of insect populations