Vitamins Flashcards
Used in TCA cycle (pyruvate Dehydrogenase, a-ketogluturate DH), HMP shunt (transketolase), branched chain amino acid DH…ATP synthesis
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Used by retina, bone growth, epithelial keratinization, embryo development…Antioxidant…can be used to treat AML and Measles
Vitamin A (Retinol)
Converted to THF, a coenzyme for 1-carbon transfer/methylation rxns.
- Important for synth of nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA
- Most common vit def in US, seen in alcoholism and pregnancy
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
Deficiency: Convulsions in infants, CNS (peripheral neuropathy), sideroblastic anemia
Vitamin B6 (Pyrimadine)
Deficiency leads to Night blindness, growth deformities, keratinization of epithelium, Bitot’s spots, xerophthalmia (dry conj.)
Vitamin A (Retinol)
Used as componant of FADH2 (ox/redox)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - Used for FAD and FMN from riboFlavin.
Used as Component of NAD+, NADP+ (redox reactions)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Overdose leads to Pulmonary edema, resipratory distress, vascular collapse, death
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Deficiency leads to glossitis, pellagra (diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Used as part of CoA and needed for FA synthesis…put the FAT in the PAN
Vitamin B5 (Pantathoic acid)
Overdose: Chronic - peripheral neuropathy
Vitamin B6 (Pyrimadine)
Used for fatty acid synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, interconversion of amino acids
- Helps carboxylation enzymes
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Overdose: Diarrhea, water retention, prolong bleeding
Vitamin B5 (Pantathoic Acid)
Deficiency: Dermatitis, dry skin, alopecia, enteritis.
- from too many raw eggs or from antibiotic use.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Def: Macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia, hypersegmented PMNs, neuro symptoms due to abnormal myelin.
- Can be irreversible if prolonged.
Vit B12 (cobalamin)
Excess leads to: Teratogen; acute - polar bear liver, coma, GI CNS, death; chronic - anorexia, hair loss, Hypertension, growth defects, skin changes, fatigue, headache, and arthralgias.
Vitamin A (Retinol)
Used for Iron reduction (3+ -> 2+), hydroxylation of proline for collagen, DA -> NE
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Overdose: stones, hemolysis, sickle cell crisis, N/V
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Deficiency leads to Beriberi (polyneuritis), wernicke-korsakoff syndrome (because ATP depletion of highly aerobic tissue first…brain)
Vitamin B1, (Thiamine)
Deficiency leads to Cheilosis (scaling at corners of mouth), corneal vascularization, dermatitis, peripheral neuropathy
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - The 2 C's of B2
Used as Coenzyme for transamination rxns, oxidases, decarboxylases, amino acid metabolism; needed for NT and heme synthesis
Vitamin B6 (Pyrimadine)
Used as Antioxidant (protects erythrocytes), neurologic function of column and tracts
Vitamin E
Overdose: diarrhea, HA, fatigue
Vitamin E
Used to Promotes synthesis of clotting factors
Vitamin K
Deficiency: Dermatitis, alopecia, decreased hormone synthesis
Vitamin B5 (Pantathoic acid)
Def: Prolonged bleeding
Vitamin K
Overdose: hemolytic anemia, HA, Gi distress
Vitamin K
Used to treat alcohol withdrawal
Essential for enzymatic activity and important the formation of transcription factor motif (called what?)
Zinc – Zinc Fingers
Biliary obstruction, esophagela cancer, infants at risk
Riboflavin deficiency
Overdose: Facial flushing -> GI distress, pruritis -> liver tox, arrhythmias, pigmented hyperkeratosis (pigmented skin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
People of eat a lot of corn products
Niacin deficiency
Deficiency: Scurvy (gum hemorrhages, debility), Loss of tooth enamel, personality changes
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Def: Macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia w/NO neuro symptoms.
- Can be caused by drugs (phenytoin, sulfas and MTX)
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
Treat infants with Leiner’s disease (infants with eczema)
Cofactor for homocysteine methyltransferase (transfers a methyl group.
- Found in animal products and synthesized only by microorganisms.
Vit B12 (cobalamin)
Def: Delayed wound healing, hypogonadism, decreased adult hair (axillary, facial, pubic), dysgeusia, anosmia, and may predispose to alcoholic cirrhosis.
Def: hemolytic anemia, dystrophy, increased fragility of erythrocytes (hemolytic anemia), posterior column and spinocerebellar tract demyelination.
Vitamin E