logos, mascots, packaging, product, placement.
function of logos
identification, internationalization, differentiation, brand image and revitalization
power of logos
brands can increase the exposure without displaying full brand name.
what are the goals of a logo
memorable, likeable
What attributes to achieve these goals?
- Natural: degree to which the design depicts commonly experienced objects.
- Harmony: congruent pattern or arrangement of parts that combines symmetry and balance
- Elaborate: appears to capture the concept of design richness and the ability to use simple lines to capture the essence of something.
- Repetition of elements
Natural, harmony and repetition recognition
Elaborate, natural & harmonic liking
logos convey properties of the brand. For instance:
Uncomplete logos make the firm perceived as less trustworthy but more innovative
Framed logos make the product be perceived as more constraining or protective
Hidden complexity hold attention and increase liking and remember
Product description in logo inform unfamiliar customers but constrain brand extension
logo changes
it’s appropriate to change the logo when there is a valid reason, like a change in the company name, modernization, revitalization or change in service/strategy.
Kholi et al. (2002): change content of logo to signal strategy change, change style of logo to signal update
Customers don’t like changes, but they tolerate slight and incremental changes.