Visual Analysis 1 Flashcards
Visual Pattern
Accommodative Pattern
Convergence Pattern
Neurological Pattern
Set of symptoms characteristic of a medical condition
Decreased vision that is ocular in nature
Constant BOV
Decreased vision that is pathologic in nature
Intermittent BOV
Dry refraction VT #7: -3.00DS
Wet refraction VT #7: -1.00DS
Question: If myopia gets down after wet refraction or superfog, the patient might have?
Pseudo myopia
Dry refraction VT #7: = +2.50DS
Wet refraction VT #7= +4.75DS
Question: If hyperopia goes up after wet refraction or superfog, the patient might have?
Latent hyperopia
If the patient has hypertension, high blood sugar, hyperthyroid he/she might have?
Induced myopia
If patient has hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, or anemia, he/she might have?
Index hyperopia
BOV during night, patient might have?
Nocturnal myopia
BOV occurring in bright daylight, the patient might have?
Nuclear or posterior sub capsular cataract
BOV during transient loss of vision (amaurosis fugax), the patient might have?
Carotid artery occlusion
Temporary loss of vision is called
Amaurosis fugax
7 coatings of the lens:
Hard coat
Hydrophobic coat
Another hard coating
Visible light transmission of CR-39
Visible light transmission of polycarbonate
A type of HA where the pain is constant, more or less severe, and of a deep, steady boring character
Intracranial Dse. HA
HA is generally frontal or mid-orbital, increasing in duration and in severity as the day goes by
HA in Presbyopia
HA is generally mid-orbital, but in some cases may be frontal. Condition commences earlier in the day
HA in Astigmatism
HA over brow with a tension and pulling effect. It may be unilateral radiating HA
HA in Vertical Phoria
HA coming on with near work; very similar to HA of hyperopia
HA in esophoria
HA usually on occipital but may extend to frontal region
HA in high exophoria
HA of frontal or/and mid orbital along with symptoms such as watery secretions and burning sensation
HA in hyperopia
HA accompanying changes in lens prescription should be checked with the ff characteristics
Incorrect PD
Occurs as a recurrent episodes of bursting pain, usually worse in the morning and associated with vomiting
HA associated with brain tumor
HA with occurrence of visual phenomena such as scotoma or field defects
Migraine HA
Migraine HA tends to occur in individuals who are
Migraine type with visual aura and HA is unilateral
Classic migraine
Migraine type without visual aura
Common migraine
Visual aura has been described as
Scintillating scotoma or fortification scotoma
Visual changes in migraine
Loss/blur vision at periphery seeing color
Seeing crescent shape or zigzag
Seeing changes in sizes
Experiencing tunnel/central vision
HA caused by a reaction to trigger substances
Vascular HA
HA that can be dull or throbbing, located at the frontal or front-temporal portion, occipital
Vascular HA
A dull-deep aching and non-pulsating HA felt frontal and maxillary regions due to allergens, viruses
Sinus HA
HA present in the morning but wakes up patient during sleep AM
Intracranial HA
Pain is constant, more or less severe, deep, and steady HA
Intracranial HA
A type of psychogenic HA which is a result from normal physiological concomitants, anxiety equivalent or emotional tension
A psychogenic type HA that attempt on the part of px to relieve an emotional tension
HA where the pain is characterized by sudden, violent, and paroxysmal that usually lasting for a matter of seconds
Neuralgias HA
HA described as knife like or throbbing pain and there is dysfunction in nerves
Prolonged use of unhygienic CL may cause
Px reported having eye GUT in medications reveals that px has dry eye- T or F
Subconjunctival hemorrhages is a serious disease that need to be treated immediately- T or F
Psuedomyopia is a condition where myopia increases in decrease illumination- T or F
Primary HA’s
Ocular HA
Migraine HA
Tension HA
Vascular HA is secondary AH- T or F
A person has 6 pairs of sinuses- T or F
Intracranial HA is present during awakening that is triggered by ingested food within the day- T or F
Every time a person blink, it distributes tears upon the globe- T or F
Px has average of 5 seconds result in Schirmer test will have dry eye- T or F
T or F- Dark complexion will have dull fundus
Tropia can be influenced by facial asymmetry- T or F
Nocturnal myopia is most common symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa- T or F
T or F- Symptom is a subjective manifest alteration
T or F- Constant BOV is refractive in nature
T/F- presbyopes and hyperopic px have BOV at far and near
T/F- lacrimal gland, krauze and wolfring are secretors of lipid layers of tears
Latent hyperopia can be revealed thru lights on and off refraction- T or F
T-F- KK has bigger image jump than FT
T/F- The lower amount in mm of BC, the flatter
Allergic rhinitis is caused due to
Redness, follicles, conjunctival concretions
Lacrimation is caused due to
Dry eyes, FB sensation, acute glaucoma, conjunctivitis, old age, allergies
Etiology of refractive power