Vision and auditory Flashcards
Which embryological layers form the eyeball structures?
1) neuroectoderm (retina),
2) surface ectoderm (lens and cornea),
3) mesoderm-neural crest (cornea, sclera, and uvea).
Which structure does the optic vesicle bulge from?
The optic stalk connects with the optic vesicle. Which structure does the optic stalk form from?
Name the layers of the pars optica retinae
1) pigment epithelium
2) photosensitive layer (rods, cones)
3) external limiting membrane
4) external nuclear layer (cell bodies of rods and cones)
5) external plexiform layer
6) internal nuclear layer (cell bodies of bipolar neurons)
7) internal plexiform layer
8) ganglion layer
9) nerve fiber layer
10) internal limiting membrane
Which visual pigments are contained within the rods and cones?
Cones - iodopsin (day vision, colour vision)
Rods - rhodopsin (night vision, more abundant in nocturnal animals) - more abundant
The rod to cone ratio in the dog?
Which structures are contained within the external plexiform layer?
1) axons and telodendria of the photoreceptor neurons
2) axons and dendritic zones of bipolar neurons
3) horizontal cells (interneurons)
Which structures are contained within the internal plexiform layer?
1) Axons and telodendria of the bipolar neurons
2) Axons and dendritic zones of the ganglionic neurons
3) Amacrine interneurons
Which structures are contained within the nerve fiber layer?
1) axons of the ganglionic neurons (unmyelinated)
2) stellate astrocytes
Name the structures
Microscopic section of the pars optica retina of a dog’s eye. The pigment at the top is in the inner (vitreal) portion of the choroid. Beneath this portion, in order,
1) The tapetum lucidum of the choroid
2) the pigment epithelium of the retina (without pigment), the external segments of the photosensitive layer (densely stained), the internal segments of the photosensitive layer
3) the external nuclear layer (nuclei of rods and cones)
4) outer plexiform layer
5) inner nuclear layer (primarily nuclei of bipolar cells)
6) inner plexiform layer
7) ganglion cell layer (single layer of large neurons)
8) nerve fiber layer
9) The vitreous is at the bottom.
Which domestic animal may have a central area (spot/macula/fovea) seen in humans, used for the most distinct vision?
cats (dorsolateral to optic disc)
- cone rich area
Which domestic species has the most and which the least myelinated optic disc?
Most - dogs
Least - cattle
Which domestic animal does this fundus belong to?
Medium sized dog
Note the abundant myelination of the optic disc, which is at the inferior border of the choroidal tapetum lucidum. Note the veins located in the center of the optic disc.
Which domestic animal does this fundus belong to?
The optic disc positioned over the area of the choroidal tapetum lucidum. Note that the optic disc is small, and all the blood vessels are at the margin of the optic disc.
Which domestic animal does this fundus belong to?
the optic disc at the inferior border of the choroidal tapetum lucidum with the large tortuous blood vessels and the minimal myelination.
Which domestic animal does this fundus belong to?
Note the prominent optic disc just below the inferior border of the choroidal tapetum lucidum (nontapetal nigrum area). Note the very small blood vessels only located at the margin of the optic disc.
Degree of crossing of the optic nerve axons at the optic chiasm for different animal species?
Fish and birds - 100%
Primates: ca 50%
Cat: 65%
Dogs: 75%
Horse/farm animals: 80-90%
The axons that cross in the optic chiasm come from ganglionic neurons in the medial (nasal) aspect of the retina.
Axons from ganglionic neurons in the lateral (temporal) aspect of the retina remain ipsilateral in their course through the central visual pathway.
Which occipital gyri form the visual cortex?
caudal part of the marginal, ectomarginal (laterally), occipital (caudally), and the splenial (medially) gyri