Vision Flashcards
how do we perceive unified world
perception based on pattern and freq with which a limited number of specialized receptors fire, in conjunction with expectations and previous experiences
path from eye to brain
light enters eye via pupil
cornea projects to retina at back of eye
retina lined with photoreceptors
photoreceptors are sensory neurons stimulated by light
no picture hits retina, just light frequencies
retina is upside down and backwards
light from above hits bottom of retina and vice versa; from right, hits left, etc.
types of retinal cells
ganglion: all info passes through ganglion to brain
these 4 interneurons are all in front of retinal cells. light needs to pass thru pupil, lens cornea, vitreous humor then through interneurons
center of retina
little dip where there are no interneurons covering retinal cells
light hits photoreceptors almost directly
vision from fovea is very acute and detailed
don’t perceive that vision is different
if something moves in front of you you move your eyes and head…trying to get it into fovea
black and white active in dim light more 20x rods than cones not on fovea peripheral vision more sensitive to light....need less to send message if lose rods, you are night blind not interpreted as color look at stars on an angle, will see better with periphery that need less light
higher acuity day vision color vision better temporal resolution detect movement better 3 types: red (long 558), green (med 530) blue (short 420) - maximum response to these freq; less to other freq need a lot of light or will not send message won't send message in dark have a lot in fovea also some scattered elsewhere
chemicals that change in response to light
each type of rods and cones needs different photopigment
when not struck by light, contains 11-cis-re tinal. made from vitamin A. in light, changes to all-trans-retinal need this to be sensitive to light do not make vitamin A, get it from diet really need carrots
young-helmholtz theory
trichromatic theory of light
what happens when light comes on?
11-cis-retinal changes to all-trans-retinal.
also have a lot of cGMP in photoreceptors
causes sodium ion channels to close
sodium stops moving
cell becomes hyper polarized
releases inhibition on interneurons
thus light photoreceptors STOP firing