Visceral organ referal Flashcards
Where does the liver and gallbladder refer?
- right shoulder anterosuperior and posterior
- right inferior edge of scapula
- posterior right back level of T9 - T11
Where does the lung and diaphragm refer?
- left neck
- left clavicular fossa
Where does the gallbladder refer?
- anterior RUQ
Where does the pancreas refer?
- right hypochondrium
- epigastric
Where does heart refer?
- L chest
- L arm
- L face
Where does stomach refer?
- epigastric pain
Where does the ovary refer?
- hypogastric/umbilicus
Where does the appendix refer?
- right illiac fossa
Where does the small intestine refer?
- umbilicus
Where does the colon refer?
- left illiac fossa
Where does the urinary bladder refer?
- hypogastric
- perianal
- posterior proximal thigh
Where does the urether refer?
- anterior groin
Where does the kidney refer?
- Posterior Lower back
- anterior umbilicus l and r flank
- down to mid lateral thigh
Where does pericarditis refer?
- lower shoulder
Where does angina refer?
- substernal
- retrosternal
- very rarley down left arm
Where does MI refer?
- retrosternal
- down left arm, hand, neck and jaw
Where does hiatus hernia refer?`
- epigastric pain/burning
- sometime arm and jaw
Where does pertonitis refer?
- shoulder tip
Where does lvier abcess refer?
- right upper quadrant
Where does cholecystitis refer?
- epigastrium and right hypochondrium
- radiates AROUND to the back /w the scapulae
Where does pancreatitis refer?
- epigastric and right hypochondrium
- radiates THROUGH to the back, shoulders or illiac fossa
Where does appendicitis refer?
- from the central abdomen to the right illiac fossa
Where do the kidney’s refer?
Where does chronic pelvic infection refer?
- hypogastric back