Virology Flashcards
Linear, ds DNA genome, icosahedral capsid, enveloped. Replication in nucleus
Herpes Viruses
Alpha Herpes Viruses
Latency in Herpes Viruses
Soon after initial infection, no virus particles produced, few viral genes expressed. Stages: establishment, maintenance, reactivation
Neurotropisms of Herpes Viruses
HSV1- trigem HSV2-sacral, lumbar VZV- dorsal root
LAT - Latency Associated Transcript
only gene consistently expressed during latency in HSV. Produces microRNAs that repress viral gene exp, prevent apop, impair CD8 T cell fxn (possibly). (VZV does not have LAT)
Herpetic Whitlow, Blepharitis, Encephalitis
urogenital infections and meningitis
HSV pathogenesis
spread through secretions –> breaks in skin or mucosa, rep in epi cells and spread to lymph nodes, taken up by sensory nerves and latency established. Recurrences less painful and remain local due to antibody levels
Adult cases of VZV
more severe than childhood chicken pox, may result in pneumonia
Dx of VZV
clinical appearance +/- Tzanck smear (look for multinuc giant cells)
circular ds DNA genome, non enveloped, icosahedral capsid, small
HPV 6,11
anogenital warts
HPV vaccine
tetravalent - 6, 11, 16, 18 Consists of the L1 capsid protein from each that self assembles into pseudocapsids
large, complex, enveloped ds linear DNA genome
Virus replicates in cytoplasm
Pox viruses