Virginia Broker Requirements Flashcards
Must maintain a place of business
In Virginia
Display the license name
the brokerage on any signage used at the office. Signs must make it clear to the public that the business is a real estate brokerage, which is done in part by requiring that the licensed name include the words Real Estate, Realty, or the name of a recognized organization of real estate professionals.
Notify the VREB of any change of address or name of the brokerage
within 30 days of the change. Since every license held at the brokerage shows the brokerage address, all of these licenses must be reissued when the brokerage address changes, as well.
Conduct an audit of the brokerage at least one time within each firm licensing term (a two-year period).
This is to ensure that the brokerage is in compliance with the VREB regulations. The VREB has an audit form that brokers can use. This audit must be kept on file in case the VREB ever asks to see it.
Have only one principal broker for the firm
(who can also be the supervising broker), but at least one designated supervising broker for each of the brokerage’s places of business or branch offices. This is to provide adequate supervision and training for each associate broker or salesperson they work with, which leads to:
Provide “adequate supervision and training,
which means that supervising brokers help their associate brokers and agents by reviewing and discussing their work to ensure it meets regulations. They review items such as contracts, brokerage agreements, and advertisements. They also need to ensure that the brokerage develops and clearly communicates written policies and procedures for all agents at the brokerage to follow. Finally, they are responsible for making appropriate training available to all of the agents who work at the brokerage
Responsible for the maintenance and management of financial records
Principal Brokers
Length of time principal brokers are required to keep all records pertaining to real estate records
3 Years
Real estate records must be maintained
At the office or designated branch office
If records are kept in a branch office
the must be in a VA branch
Records contained in the record-keeping system
From whom money was received
Date when received
Date and place of Deposit
Financial disposition
Brokerage must be audited every two years
To be in compliance with VREB regs
Fail unless info is kept
Every broker agreement
Fail unless
Consent to dual agency or dual representation and their disclosures
Fail Unless
Each consent to designated agency or reps and disclosures
Fail unless
All disclosures of a brokerage relationship to unprecedented parties
Fail Unless
A complete copy of all executed contracts of sale, all executed releases from contracts, all executed lease agreements, all executed property management agreements, and every settlement statement that relates to a real estate transaction
Audit Fail Unless
Records of disbursements and receipts for funds received for others