Viral Hepatitis C Flashcards
Describe hepatitis C
Small, enveloped, ss-RNA virus
Poor fidelity of replication + high mutation rates- lots of HCV genotypes (can co-exist in a single pt)
How is hepatitis C transmitted?
List 6 risk factors for hepatitis C
Recipients of blood + blood products IVDU Non-sterile acupuncture Tattooing Haemodialysis HCPs
Describe the pathogenesis of hepatitis C
Virus NOT thought to be directly hepatotoxic
Humoral + cell-mediated responses to viral infection leads to hepatic inflammation + necrosis
Describe the epidemiology of hepatitis C
Different genotypes have different geographical prevalence
How does hepatitis C usually present?
90% of acute infections are ASYMPTOMATIC
May be diagnosed after incidental abnormal LFT or in older pts with complications of cirrhosis
List symptoms of hepatitis C
10% become jaundiced with mild flu-like illness
List 3 categories of signs of hepatitis C
- Signs of chronic liver disease (long-standing HCV) e.g. jaundice, ascites
- Signs of hepatic encephalopathy if advanced CLD
- Extra-hepatic manifestations (rare): Skin rash + Renal dysfunction (due to glomerulonephritis)
Describe the serology of hepatitis C
Anti-HCV antibodies: IgM (acute) or IgG (past exposure or chronic)
Describe LFTs seen in hepatitis C
Acute: High ALT, AST + BR
Chronic: 2-8 x elevation of AST + ALT (often fluctuates over time)
Transaminase (AST + ALT) levels bear little correlation to histological changes
Why may you perform a liver biopsy in hepatitis C?
Assess degree of inflammation + liver damage (NOT for dx)
Useful for diagnosing cirrhosis
List 3 preventative measures against hepatitis C?
Screen blood, blood products + organ donors
Needle exchange schemes for IVDU
Instrument sterilisation
Can you be completely protected from hepatitis C?
Describe management of acute hepatitis C
Mainly supportive (antipyretics, antiemetics, cholestyramine)
Describe medical management of chronic hepatitis C
Antivirals are now curative: NS5A inhibitors
Pegylated interferon-a
List 3 complications of hepatitis C
Fulminant hepatic failure
Chronic carriage of HCV
Hepatocellular carcinoma
List 3 rarer complications of hepatitis C
Porphyria cutanea tarda
What is the prognosis of hepatitis C?
80% progress to chronic carriage
Of these, 20-30% will develop cirrhosis over 10-20 years
What may be seen on liver biopsy in chronic hepatitis C?
Lymphoid follicles in portal tracts
Fatty change
Cirrhosis may be present
Why is reverse transcriptase PCR used in hepatitis C?
Allows detection + genotyping of HCV
Used to confirm antibody testing or if suspected in pt but serology negative
Describe the long term management in chronic hepatitis C
Monitor HCV viral load after 12 weeks to determine tx efficacy
HCV RNA level measured by PCR on EDTA blood sample is used to monitor response to tx.
Regular US of the liver may be needed if pt has cirrhosis
What defines cure of chronic hepatitis C?
Undetectable HCV RNA at 48 weeks after completion of tx (AKA ‘sustained virological response’ or SVR)