Viral Hepatitis Flashcards
inflammation of the liver tissue
What are the major causes of hepatitis?
● INFECTIOUS (bacteria, parasites, viruses)
● METABOLIC (alcohol, toxins, drug-induced, herbal or
dietary supplements)
● AUTOIMMUNE (genetic predisposition, association with HLA antigens, auto-antibodies)
● GENETIC (α-1 antitrypsin deficiency, hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease)
● ISCHEMIC (shock, heart failure, or vascular insufficiency)
What are the three types of hepatitis (based on clinical pattern)?
● ACUTE HEPATITIS: infection then recovery (eg HVA)
● FULMINANT HEPATITIS: massive hepatic cell death, rare, life-threatening (eg HBV)
● CHRONIC HEPATITIS: after acute phase, >6 months
Acute hepatitis:
infection then recovery (eg HVA)
Fulminant hepatitis:
massive hepatic cell death, rare, life-threatening (eg HBV)
Chronic hepatitis:
after acute phase, >6 months
What are the different types of viral hepatitis?
Viral Hepatitis
What is the prevalence of viral hepatitis worldwide?
Hep A & B - widespread
Hep C - broad prevalence everywhere in world
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What is Viral Hepatitis A?
A small NON-ENVELOPED RNA- containing virus
Where family does the Viral Hepatitis A belong to?
belongs to PICORNAVIRUS family
What does Viral Hepatitis A contain?
It contains a positive-sense, single-strand of RNA packaged in a protein shell
What is the stability of a Viral Hepatitis A?
● STABLE in environment for at least ONE MONTH
● Inactivation: heat foods (≥85°C (185°F); 1 min) or disinfect with bleach (1:100 dilution in water)
What is Hepatitis A infection? & what can it cause?
usually a benign, SELF-LIMITING disease
It can cause fulminant hepatitis and hepatic failure leading
to death (not common)
What is the Hepatitis A infection typically by?
● FECAL-ORAL route
● direct: person-to-person
● indirect:
- water/food ingestion, contaminated with fecal
material of infected person (even microscopic amount)
- drinking contaminated milk, water, shellfish from infected waters
What is the population that is at high risk for HAV infection?
● Anyone who has NOT been VACCINATED or previously INFECTED can get infected with HAV.
● In areas where the virus is widespread (HIGH ENDEMICITY), most HAV infections occur during EARLY CHILDHOOD.
What are the risk factors for HAV infection?
● Travelling to areas of high endemicity without being immunized (44-55% cases in Canada linked to travel)
● Poor sanitation; lack of safe water supply
● Living in a household with an infected person
● Use of recreational drugs
● sexual partner of someone with acute hepatitis A;
oral/anal sexual contact
● Inmates in prisons or jails
What is the clinical presentation of acute hepatitis A?
● may be ASYMPTOMATIC (age <5 YEARS)
● non-specific flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue,
malaise, anorexia)
● nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
● dark urine, pale stool (b/c of elevated bilirubin levels)
● pruritus, abdominal pain
● jaundice: skin, eyes (scleral icterus)
● fulminant hepatitis (rare)
● full recovery <2 MONTHS (up to 9 months)
What are the signs & symptoms of hepatitis A (at each phase)?
NONSPECIFIC FLU-LIKE symptoms consisting of anorexia,
nausea, fatigue, and malaise
● ACUTE ILLNESS (virus is actively replicating)
ABRUPT ONSET of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise, fever, headache, and right upper quadrant abdominal pain with acute illness
GENERALLY ACCOMPANIED by dark urine, acholic (light-
colored) stools, worsening of systemic symptoms, PRURITIS is often a major complaint of icteric patients
What is the diagnosis of acute hepatitis A?
● Physical examination
● icteric sclera, skin, and secretions
● mild weight loss (2-5 kg)
● hepatomegaly
Laboratory tests (NON-specific)
● positive serum anti-HAV (IgM, IgG)
● ↑ serum bilirubin (mild)
● ↑ liver enzymes
– alanine transaminase (ALT); aspartate transaminase (AST)
– alkaline phosphatase (ALP); γ-glutamyl transferase (GTT)
● total bilirubin in patients with cholestatic illness
What are the precautions in place to prevent hepatitis A?
● Washing hands before eating and drinking
● Avoid contaminated food and water (& swim/bath in water)
● Avoid uncooked foods, shellfish and salads
● Avoid unpasteurized dairy products
● Avoid food from street vendors
● Avoid swimming, wading, bathing or washing cloths in polluted or contaminated water
What are recommendations for HAV vaccination?
● All children at 1 year of age
● Consider older children (2–18 years) in AREAS WITHOUT
existing HAV vaccination programs
● TRAVELING/working in countries that have high/intermediate
endemicity of HAV infection
● Men who have SEX with men
● Illegal-DRUG users
● Persons with OCCUPATIONAL risk for infection (eg work with
HAV-infected primates, HAV research laboratory)
● Patients with CLOTTING factor DISORDERS or CHRONIC LIVER disease