Violent nationalism historians Flashcards
Ranger- Kenya and Zimbabwe
both developed nationalism as they felt their rights had been betrayed
Zimbabwe nationalism came fully open with the guerrilla war
Lonsdale - Mau Mau
created by war as the colonial state’s developments were contradictory
Lonsdale - settlers
war had relieved them of debt, and given them large sectors of state power
Africans became divided by prosperity whereas settlers became united by it
Lonsdale - Kenya
argues Kenya was unique as it turned Kikuyu against Kikuyu
Mosley - resentment towards europeans
result of being evicted and having their real income reduced
Mosley - stat
100,000 in kenya evicted compared to 425,000
Mosley - emotional upheavel
of confiscating sacred land and betrayal- believed they would get equivalent land with security of tenure
Palmer - Europeans landlords
left at mercy
especially Ndebele
Hargreaves - general comment
Africans constantly face “national struggle for land and freedom”
Chabal - Portugal
“emergencies and disorder”
violence integrated in colonial rule
Chafer - French and Africa
WIlliam Ponty School
took ideas e.g. single party rule
-argues success comes as a result of working closely with France