Nigeria historians Flashcards
Chazan - state
has disengaged from the people
Thomas - on ‘politics of the belly’
politicians to hoard and greedily consume resources
Clapham - criticism on ‘politics of the belly’
doesn’t engage with full african experience and ignores events such as wars, failing states and refugee crises
don’t utilise Africa’s newer generations
Nwankwo - military
“born into military rule”
Ukiwo - ethnic tensions
raised due to oil boom
competition over the Niger Delta created a “scramble” amongst ethnic groups
Ikpe - patrimonial
“operate a patrimonial system to a very large extent”
“antithetical to democracy”
Lewis - military rule
“predatory and self-interested character of military rule”
Berry - oil
reinforced the state to act as a class, benefiting the wealthy and powerful
e.g. ordinary people desired education for their children so they could be part of that class
De Graaf - recent
steps towards significant development
1979 constitution: more cohesive political structure, solve ethnic and regional issues