Video Review Ch. 12 Lung Flashcards
What is the MC cause of CA in males and females
Lung CA
What is Atelectasis
Collapsed lung
What type of atelectasis is associated with airway obstruction MCly mucous
Resorption atelectasis
What type of atelectasis is associated with passive or relaxation, pleural cavity fills, pleural effusion, CHF patients
Compression atelectasis
What type of atelectasis is associated with fibrotic changes in lungs, resists expansion/distension, limits/prevents alveolar opening
Contraction atelectasis
Severe trauma, infection, diffuse alveolar damage, inflam prevents gas exchange, life threatening
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
What do obstructive diseases dec.
Expiratory flow rate (wheezing)
What do restrictive diseases dec.
forced vital capacity
Permanent destro and enlargement of pulmonary parenchyma
Inflam cells acumulate
Assoc with smoking
What is the MC form of emphysema
Centriacinar (smokers, apices of lungs)
What type of emphysema is MC in lower lungs and acini are uniformly affected
Hallmark of hypersecretion of mucus, “blue bloater”
Chronic bronchitis
T/F: COPD is irreversible
What makes up 70% of asthma
Atopic (extrinsic) asthma
Group of disorders causing stiffness, MC bilat, idiopathic, “honeycomb lung”
Chronic interstitial lung disease
Diffuse intersitial fibrosis, nonproductive couch, velcro like sound, males MC >60
Progressive <3 years prognosis
Only cure is total lung transplant
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Inhalation of particulates, Workplace exposure MC,
Pneumoconiosis “coal miners”
What is the MC occupational disease worldwide
Silicosis MC in upper lobes
What does asbestos exposure MC cause
Fibrotic plaques
What is a multisystem inflammatory disorder with a hallmark of nocaseating granuloma African Americans 10x MC in non-smokers "angel wing" 70% recover
MC from a DVT of popliteal vein, occlusion to tissue infarction (rare 10%) in lung
Pulmonary embolism
60-80% of all pulmonary embolisms are what
Clinically silent
What is greater than or equal to 1/4 of systemic BP
Pulmonary HTN
Pulmonary HTN is MC among
Young adult females, poor prognosis, lung transplant
Group of immune-mediated diseases, Classic triad: Hemoptysis, anemia, diffuse pulmonary edema
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage syndrome (DHAS)
Classic form of DAHS, rapidly progressive, Type II hypersensitivity, hemoptysis & hematuria
Goodpasture syndrome
What is a lung infection aka
Patchy inflammation, multiple lobes, well-developed lesions 3-4cm
1 lobe, homogenously filled with exudate, abrupt lines of radiopacity
Lobar pneumonia (90% S. pneumoniae)
What organ removes pneumococcal bacteria
When is community-aquired atypical pneumonia clinically significant
When localized to the alveolar septa
Localized suppurative (pus) necrosis, MC R side
Lung abscess
What type of hypersensitivity is TB
What test is used for TB
tuberculin (Mantoux) test
Which type of TB has granuloma formation (poss cavitations) in lung apices
What is the MC form of extrapulmonary TB
Lymphadenitis (cervical)
Owl eye is referring to what viruses cell
90% of all lung CA Dx, MC cause of cancer death
Lung CA
Mets is approximately what at Dx when dealing with pulmonary carcinomas
Pleural exudate is what
Pleural transudate is what
Hydrothorax MC
What causes infectious mononucleosis
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
“dirty gray” pseudomembrane
Diphtheria, medical emergency
95% of throat CA is what kind
Squamous cell carcinoma, 1/3 fatal