(Kathryn Hughes) ‘During the Victorian period men and women’s roles became…
more sharply defined than at any time in history’/
In the 1830’s women started wearing…
Crinoline, huge bell-shaped skirt, meant it was very difficult to do simple tasks without falling over.
‘Separate spheres’ :
Ideology of the ‘natural’ characteristics of women.
- Women were better suited to the domestic sphere, were supposed to ready the next generation to carry on this way of life.
Women needed a new education to prepare them to be ‘Angel in the House’… Idea was popularised by…
- Were coached in what’s known as accomplishments.
- Things like knowledge of music, signing, drawing etc.
- Idea popularised by Coventry Patmore’s poem, who was a friend of the Rossetti family.
No-one wanted to be known as a ‘Blue-stocking’…
A name given to women who devoted themselves too much to intellectual pursuits.
- Considered off-putting.
Kathryn Hughes : ‘Attempted to usurp men’s ‘natural’ intellectual superiority’.
- Depicted to be unattractive and unfeminine.
One doctor, William Acton declared…
‘The majority of women (happily for them) are not very much troubled with sexual feeling of any kind’.
Women had no choice but to stay…
Chaste until marriage,
- Not even allowed to speak to men unless there was a married women present.
In 1847 Charlotte Brontë displayed her strong feelings about women’s limited role in her novel…
Jane Eyre.
- ‘Women feel just as men’.
- ‘they need exercise for their faculties’.
Contagious Disease Act, 1860 :
- Allowed (in certain towns) for the forced medical examination who was expected of being a sex worker, if she was infected, would be put in a ‘Lock Hospital’.
The Married Women’s Property Act in…
1870 provided that wages and property which a wife earned through her work or inherited would be regarded as her separate property.
Rossetti speaking about whether she would speak about politics in her work…
‘It is not in me, and therefore, will never come out of me’ & ‘I leave it to the greater than I’.
Accession of Queen Victoria :
1837, authoritative female head if state, may have provided hope to society.
(Dr Simon Avery) Rossettis ‘In an Artists’ Studio’ (1856) is a cutting critique of the ways…
…pre-raphael it’s muse, Elizabeth Siddal - is painted, ‘framed’ and controlled by the male artist.
(DR SIMON AVERY) “Rossetti explores women’s position in society…
through consideration of the institution of marriage”.
(DR SIMON AVERY) ‘Winter : My Secret’, ‘An intriguing study…’ and ‘Speaker skilfully…’
~ ‘An intriguing study in the manipulation of power’.
~ ‘Speaker skilfully withholds power and control’.
(DR SIMON AVERY) ‘Rossettis speakers demonstrate both an awareness of…’
‘, and resistance, to those social and political expectations which define acceptable roles for women and which potentially leave them powerless’.
(DR SIMON AVERY) ‘Rossetti’s poems make an intriguing contribution to those…
‘crucial debates around the Women Question and gender relations which were central to the second half of the ninteenth century and beyond’.
Domestic roles an motherhood were considered by society…
to be a sufficient emotional fulfilment for females.
Rossetti worked for…
Highgate Penitentiary, supporting ‘falling women’ for 11 years.
Rossetti campaigned to…
Raise the age of sexual consent after seeing countless young girls reined and destitute.
Age of sexual consent raised to 16…
1885, Rossetti petitioned for legislation to protect children from prostitution and sexual exploitation.
Society for the Employment of Women :
1859, one of Britain’s earliest female movements.
~ Provided training and promoted employment of women.