T__________ : (Gatsby’s Lifestyle)
- “His ostentatious house and expensive parties are an..”
Tanner : “His ostentatious house and expensive parties are an elaborate advertising display designed to impress Daisy”.
P_____________ : (Daisy’s Voice)
- “Daisy’s voice seems to promise exciting times to come… it is just like…”
Parkinson : “Daisy’s voice seems to promise exciting times to come… it is just like Gatsby’s dream of her, which contains no present reality, only past and future ecstasies”.
P________________ : (Portrayal of Daisy)
- Fitzgerald reduces her to “a shining radiance of Gatsby’s construction, the centrepiece of…”
Parkinson : “a shining radiance of Gatsby’s construction, the centrepiece of Tom’s wealth, rather than a woman with a personality of her own”.
P________________ : (Daisy)
- “Fitzgerald allows Daisy to exist only in…”
Parkinson : “Fitzgerald allows Daisy to exist only in the images men create of her”.
B____________ : (Nice vs Buchanans)
- “Nick himself exemplifies loyalty to people and ideas, while Daisy and Tom have freed themselves…”
Berman : “Nick himself exemplifies loyalty to people and ideas, while Daisy and Tom have freed themselves from troublesome conscience - and from even more troublesome self-awareness”.
P_______________ : (Myrtle)
- “Myrtle represents overt…”
Parkinson : “Myrtle represents overt, unconcealed sexuality’.
P_____________ : (Nick’s view on Myrtle)
- Myrtle’s “‘lower class pretensions appear comic to Nick because…”
Parkinson : Myrtle’s “‘Lower class pretensions appear comic to Nick because he judges them from a position of social superiority, but her overt sexuality impresses him”
T___________ : (Tom)
- “Tom certainly has the worst kind of ‘colonizing’ mentality - all…”
Tanner : “Tom certainly has the worst kind of ‘colonizing’ mentality - all others exist only to satisfy his needs and appetites”
T____________ : (Desecration of the American Ideal)
(Myrtle’s breast ‘swinging loose like a flap’.
- “Fitzgerald … wants to show America…”
Tanner : “Fitzgerald … wants to show America desecrated, mutilated, violated.”
G___________ : (Why Gatsby loves Daisy)
- “Gatsby loves Daisy because she is…”
Golden : “Gatsby loves Daisy because she is his point of access to a dominant class.”
F__________ : (Daisy’s Seduction)
- Daisy is ‘the girl who lures her…”
Fielder : Daisy is “the girl who lures her lovers on, like America itself.”
In______________ : (Money)
- “Money is a shield between the careless wealthy and the…”
Innoncencio : “Money is a shield between the careless wealthy and the consequences of their actions”.
M______________ : (Myrtle & Gatsby)
- “Their fruitless attempt to belong to…”
McGowan : “Their fruitless attempt to belong to a class that will never accept them.”
C_____________ : (Gatsby & Myrtle)
- “Myrtle and Gatsby are each others mirror images … they both think a…”
Churchwell : “Myrtle and Gatsby are each others mirror images … they both think a rich Buchanan will get them what they want.”
C______________ : (Gatsby & Myrtle)
- “Gatsby has a more appealing version of the story while…”
Churchwell : “Gatsby has a more appealing version of the story while Myrtle is more degraded.”
C______________ : (Gatsby’s Failures & Flaws)
- “The question the novel forces us to answer is whether Gatsby’s failures and…”
Churchwell : “The question the novel forces us to answer is whether Gatsby’s failures and deep flaws are redeemed by his idealism.”
C_______________ : (What the novel is about)
- “It is a novel about how reality is…”
Churchwell : “It is a novel about how reality is inevitably disappointing”.
M_______________ : (Nick’s Construction)
- “Nick constructs a romance novel that…”
McGowan : “Nick construct a romance novel that he wants, Gatsby has to be great.”
T__________ : (Who Nick is)
- “A spectator in search of…”
Tanner : “A spectator in search of a performer.”
T___________ : (Green Light)
- “The green light offers Gatsby a…”
Tanner : “The green light offers gatsby a suitably inaccessible focus for his yearning.”
M____________ : (Daisy)
- “Daisy represents a blank canvas that men…”
Morton : “Daisy represents a blank canvas that men can project their desires onto.”
L______________ : (Women)
- “Daisy is…, Jordan cool and…, Myrtle…”
Lavender : “Daisy is superficial and affected, Jordan cool and aloof, Myrtle coarse and vulgar.”
L______________ : (Myrtle)
- “A pathetic figure desperate to escape her…”
Lavender : “A pathetic figure desperate to escape her conflicted circumstances.”
L______________ : (Daisy)
- Her superficiality is “a mask for feelings of…”
Lavender : “A mask for feelings of loss and despair”.