VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) - Ch 4 Flashcards
VHF Omnidirectional Range
108.00 - 117.95MHZ Terminal Ones (close to AP): 108-112 En Route: 112-118 3 Letter Ident 0.05 separation Bearings from VORs are magnetic bearing Variation applied at the station
ILS Frequency Range
Odd number first after decimal
2 Types of VOR
Conventional VOR (CVOR)
Doppler VOR (DVOR)
Conventional VOR
Reference: Frequency Modulated
Variable: Amplitude Modulated
Doppler VOR
Reference: Amplitude Modulated
Variable: Frequency Modulated
More accurate, newer and more modern
Better for use in confined areas
Less susceptible to siting errors and thus better for using in confined areas
VOR Self Checking
Check for any drifting of the signal I.e:
- more than +/- 1 degree
- Signal must be no less than 15%
- Monitor itself to make sure that it is working
If not satisfied, it will remove ident and shut down the transmitter
Cone of Confusion
35 degrees either side
ICAO: No more than 50 degrees
Types of VOR
- En Route
- Terminal (TVOR)
- Test VOR (VOT)
Can be used to transmit ATIS - airfield wx
Equipment for VOR
An Antenna
VOR receiver + control unit
Indicator System (RMI, OBI, HSI)
QDM - Points at beacon
QDR - Tail of arrow, radial that the AC is on (from beacon)
Either TO/FROM beacon
Full scale deflection = 10 degrees either side
Each Dot = 2 degrees
TO/FROM Indicator
Horizontal situation indicator
5 dots - 2 degrees for each dot
AC HDG will be relevant for these questions
Proportional to the power of the signal
Range = 1.23 ( square root of RX + square root of Tx)
Limited by line of sight