VHD Flashcards
VHD stage: (+) risk, (-) symptoms, (-) severity
Stage A
VHD stage: (+) risk, (-) symptom, mild-mod severity
Stage B
VHD stage: (+) risk, (-) symptom, severe
Stage C
VHD stage: (+) risk, (+) symptom, severe
Stage D
Most common cause of AS
Degenerative calcification of aortic cusps
Most common congenital defect
Bicuspid aortic valve
Weak and late pulse in AS, low pitched midsystolic ejecttion murmur at 2nd R ICS
Pulsus parvus et tardus
Should be used cautiously in AS pxs because of hypotension
Intervention for AS
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), aortic valve replacement sx
AS murmur transmitted to apex, resembling murmur of MR
Gallavardin effect
AR murmur that is soft, low-picthed rumbling mid-to-late diastolic murmur, best heard in L lateral decubitus
Austin Flint murmur
Jarring of the body and bobbing of the head w/ each systole in severe AR
De Musset sign
Visible capillary pulsations at the root of the nail w/ pressure (seen in AR)
Quincke’s pulse
Booming pistol shot sound over femoral arteries (seen in AR)
Traube sign
To and from murmur when femoral artery is compressed (seen in AR)
Duroziez sign
Bounding and forceful pulse, rapidly increasing and subsequently collapsing, appreciated in carotid and subclavian a.
Corrigan’s pulse
AR murmur best appreciated when patient is:
Leaning forward, relaxed, appreciated in end-expiration
Bounding pulse of the ulnar artery accentuated in
Watson’s water hammer pulse
Decreased pulse pressure in AR
Heart failure
Give a clinical finding in causes of AR
Endocarditis Infective aortitis Marfan's syndrome Aortic dissection RHD Chronic/ severe HTN
Typical ECG finding of AR
LVH with ST depression and T wave inversion in I, aVL, V5-6 (lateral leads)
Tx for AR with CHF
ACEI and vasodilators
Leading cause of MS
PE of MS
Loud S1 and accentuated P2
Apical diastolic rumble and murmur
Opening snap
ECG findings of MS
LAE, RAE, RVH; AF in severe cases
Tx for MS
Beta-blockers, non-dihydropiridine CCBs, digoxin (rate control)
Warfarin (target INR 2-3) for stroke prevention
PE of MR
Soft S1; S4 in acute severe MR
Apical holosystolic murmur radiating to axilla
Hyperdynamic LV w/ brisk systolicimpulse and laterally displaced apex beat