The sporulated oocyst of the following coccidian genera has a total of eight sporozoites EXCEPT:
(A). Tyzzeria;
(B). Isospora;
(C). Wenyonella;
(D). Eimeria
(C). Wenyonella
Which is not true of Chagas disease?
(A). Principal reservoir hosts are the armadillo and the opossum;
(B). Also called human American trypanosomiasis;
(C). Transmitted naturally by mosquitoes;
(D). Dividing amastigote forms occur in the heart muscle cells of the infected host.
(C). Transmitted naturally by mosquitoes
Which of the item below is a sexual form of reproduction in Protozoa?
(A). Schizogony;
(B). Syngamy;
(C). Endopolyogeny;
(D). Fission
(B). Syngamy
The mature cyst of the following Entamoeba species has four nuclei EXCEPT:
(A). Entamoeba hartmanni;
(B). Entamoeba histolytica;
(C). Entamoeba equi;
(D). Entamoeba wenyoni
(D). Entamoeba wenyoni
It is the cause of granular coccidiosis in carps: (A). Eimeria cyprini; (B). Eimeria subepithelialis; (C). Eimeria carpelli; (D). Eimeria aurata.
(B). Eimeria subepithelialis
Lesions occur mainly in the anterior half of the intestine in the following species of chicken coccidia EXCEPT: (A). Eimeria brunetti; (B). Eimeria hagani; (C). Eimeria praecox; (D). Eimeria acervulina.
(A). Eimeria brunetti
Schizogony in members of the genus Plasmodium occurs: (A). Only in rbc; (B). Both in endothelial cells of inner organs and the rbc; (C). Only in the endothelial cells; (D). Both in red and white blood cells.
(B). Both in endothelial cells of inner organs and the rbc
The following parasites occur in the liver of their respective hosts EXCEPT: (A). Eimeria carpeli; (B). Eimeria stiedai; (C). Clonorchis sinensis; (D). Thysanosoma actinoides.
(A). Eimeria carpeli
Which protozoan genus causes formation of xenomas (tumors) in fishes? (A). Myxosoma; (B). Glugea; (C). Plistophora; (D). Thelohania.
(B). Glugea
The most pathogenic Sarcocystis species that affects cattle is: (A). Sarcocystis hominis bovifelis; (B). Sarcocystis hominis; (C). Sarcocystis cruzi; (D). Sarcocystis miescheriana.
(C). Sarcocystis cruzi
Which is not true about the genus Toxoplasma? (A). Oocyst has four sporocyst, each with two sporozoites; (B). Definitive host is the cat; (C). Intermediate host almost every warm-blooded animals; (D). Zoonotic parasite.
(A). Oocyst has four sporocyst, each with two sporozoites
The intermediate hosts of the following protozoa are invertebrates EXCEPT: (A). Plasmodium gallinaceum; (B). Leucoctytozoon caulleryi; (C). Sarcocystis cruzi; (D). Trypanosoma melophagium.
(C). Sarcocystis cruzi
The cause of cutaneous leishmaniasis or oriental sore is: (A). Leishmania tropica; (B). Leishmania chagasi; (C). Leishmania donovani; (D). None of the above.
(A). Leishmania tropica
A pathognomic sign of Histomonas meleagridis infection is: (A). Depression, drooping wings and appearance of sulfur yellow colored droppings; (B). Profuse green diarrhea with mucus; (C). Darkening of skin and growth of pustules in buccal area; (D). Anemia, emaciation and subcutaneous edema of pendulous portion of the breast.
(A). Depression, drooping wings and appearance of sulfur yellow colored droppings
What species of coccidia below does not occur in the intestine: (A). Eimeria subepithelialis; (B). Klossiela equi; (C). Eimeria truncata; (D). Eimeria bukidnonensis.
(C). Eimeria truncata
Immunologically, it has been observed in Babesia infection that susceptibility to infection: (A). Gives no importance in difference in age; (B). Is not at all observable; (C). Is inversely related to age; (D). Is directly related to age.
(C). Is inversely related to age
White spot disease of fish is very common in aquaria and is caused by: (A). Chilodinella cyprini; (B). Trichodina feltoni; (C). Trichodina truttae; (D). Ichthyophthirius multifilis.
(D). Ichthyophthirius multifilis
The following are coccidian genera EXCEPT: (A). Cryptosporidium; (B). Diorchis; (C). Tyzzeria; (D). Wenyonella.
(B). Diorchis
The sporulated oocyst of this coccidian genus has a total of four sporocyts: (A). Wenyonella; (B). Isospora; (C). Eimeria; (D). Tyzzeria.
(C). Eimeria
Merozoites are products of: (A). Gametogony; (B). Sexual reproduction; (C). Asexual reproduction; (D). Sporulation.
(C). Asexual reproduction
An infection in man that can either be acquired or congenitally through pregnancy causing serious mental retardation is: (A). Sarcocystis bigemina; (B). Hepatozoon cati; (C). Cryptosporidium tyzerri; (D). Toxoplasma gondi.
(D). Toxoplasma gondi
The cause of Chagas disease is: (A). Trypanosoma cruzi; (B). Trypanosoma brucei; (C). Trypanosoma evansi; (D). Trypanosoma equiperdum.
(A). Trypanosoma cruzi
The following are asexual form of reproduction in Protozoa EXCEPT: (A). Syngamy; (B). Endopolyogeny; (C). Schizogony; (D). Fission.
(A). Syngamy
This genus of Amoeba is free living but its members have been incriminated as the cause of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis in man: (A). Iodamoeba; (B). Naegleria; (C). Dientamoeba; (D). Entamoeba.
(B). Naegleria
Diagnosis of coccidiosis in poultry is more effective in: (A). Postmortem examination of representative birds; (B). Fecal concentration; (C). Slide examination of blood; (D). Fecal examination of numerous birds.
(A). Postmortem examination of representative birds
Sterility and abortion in cattle are pathognomonic signs of which illness? (A). Leucocytozoonosis; (B). Anaplasmosis; (C). Tritrichomoniasis; (D). Leishmaniasis.
(C). Tritrichomoniasis
Which is not true of Histomonas meleagridis? (A). Reproduction is by schizogony; (B). Cause of infectious enterohepatitis; (C). Occurs in the cecum and liver of infected host; (D). Somewhat pleomorphic, the morphology depending on the organ location and the stage of the disease.
(A). Reproduction is by schizogony
Schizogony in members of the genus Plasmodium occurs: (A). Only in rbc; (B). Both in endothelial cells and the rbc; (C). Only in the endothelial cells; (D). Both in red and white blood cells.
(B). Both in endothelial cells and the rbc
Which is not true of Eimeria cyprini? (A). It belongs to the Apicomplexa; (B).Sporulayted oocyst has a total of 10 sporozoites; (C). It is the cause of granular coccidiosis in carps; (D). Sporolated oocyst has four sporocysts.
(B).Sporulayted oocyst has a total of 10 sporozoites
Signs of icterus and anemia without haemoglubinuria in cattle are that of: (A). Anaplasmosis; (B). Trichomoniasis; (C). Babesiosis; (D). Leucocytozoonosis.
(A). Anaplasmosis
Lesions occur mainly in the ceca in: (A). Eimeria acervulina (B). Eimeria brunetti; (C). Eimeria tenella; (D). Eimeria mivati.
(C). Eimeria tenella
Mature gametocytes of this species are elongate oval bodies: (A). Leucocytozoon smithii; (B). Plasmodium cathemerium; (C). Leucocytozoon caulleryi; (D). None of the above.
(A). Leucocytozoon smithii
The following Trypanosoma develop in the anterior station of their arthropod host EXCEPT: (A). Trypanosoma vivax; (B). Trypanosoma brucei; (C). Trypanosoma cruzi; (D). Trypanosoma congolense.
(C). Trypanosoma cruzi
The following are flagellates EXCEPT: (A). Cryptobia; (B). Leishmania; (C). Giardia; (D). Hartmanella.
(D). Hartmanella
Signs of petecchial hemorrhages and blood clot in the abdominal cavity of chickens are symptoms of which illness? (A). Leishmaniasis; (B). Leucocytozoonosis; (C). Trichomoniasis; (D). Plasmodium infection.
(B). Leucocytozoonosis
The following are ciliated Protozoa EXCEPT: (A). Balantidium coli; (B). Trichodina truttae; (C). Ichthyophthirius multifilis; (D). Sarcocystis mischieriana.
(D). Sarcocystis mischieriana
.What is your suspected cause of infection when a herd of cattle has a history of early abortion, cows returning to service and failure of animals to become pregnant except after repeated service. Evidence of vaginal discharge and pyometra in herd.: (A). Brucella abortus; (B). Cryptosporidium bovis; (C). Giardia bovis; (D). Trichomonas foetus.
(D). Trichomonas foetus
Which is not true of Histomonas meleagridis is: (A). It is a ciliate; (B). Somewhat pleomorphic; (C). Cause of blackhead disease; (D). Occurs singly or in cluster in the tissues.
(A). It is a ciliate
Drug of choice for the treatment of amoebiasis is: (A). Solustibosan; (B). Metronidazole; (C). Acriflavin; (D). Amprolium.
(B). Metronidazole
Babesia species are normally transmitted by: (A). Psocids; (B). Ticks; (C). Cockroaches; (D). Sandflies.
(B). Ticks
Which is true of Babesia bigemina infection?: (A). Young animals are naturally resistant; (B). All breds of cattle are susceptible; (C). There is anemia but no hemoglubinuria; (D). There is no fever but there is profuse diarrhea.
(A). Young animals are naturally resistant
This condition is caused by Ichthyopthirius multifilis: (A). Blue scale disease; (B). Xenomas; (C).Red gill disease; (D). White-spot disease.
(D). White-spot disease.
This is a coccidian genus (A). Entamoeba; (B). Garidia; (C). Histomonas; (D). Cryptosporidium.
(D). Cryptosporidium
Ookinete is a product of: (A). Asexual reproduction; (B). Fertilazation; (C). Internal budding; (D). Sporulation.
(B). Fertilazation
In the treatment of coccidiosis, the drug of choice is: (A). Acriflavine; (B). Metronidazole; (C). Solustibosan; (D). Amprolium.
(D). Amprolium.
The carrier of blackhead organism is: (A). Histomonas meleagridis; (B). Anisakis dublin; (C). Leucocytozoon caulleryi; (D). Heterakis gallinarum.
(D). Heterakis gallinarum.
Drug of choice for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis is: (A). Acriflavin; (B). Solustibosan; (C). Metronidazole; (D). Tetracyclines.
(B). Solustibosan.
An infection that can be transferred to man causing serious mental retardation that is either acquired or congenital (through pregnancy) is: (A). Sarcocystis bigemina; (B). Hepatozoon cati; (C). Cryptosporidium tyzerri; (D). Toxoplasma gondi.
(D). Toxoplasma gondi.
In the red blood cells of the vertebrate host, Babesia organisms occur in these cells and multiply by: (A). Gametogony; (B). Schizogony; (C). Budding process; (D). Sporogony.
(C). Budding process
A camel showing clinical symptoms of fever, progressive emaciation and anemia with edema of the dependent parts of the body and suspected to be infected with this organism: (A). Cryptosporidium tyzzeri; (B). Sarcocystis bigemina; (C). Trypanosoma evansi; (D). Hepatozoon equi.
(C). Trypanosoma evansi
A suggested treatment for leishmaniasis is: (A). Tetracycline; (B). Dichlorvos; (C). Cloxantel; (D). Solustibosan.
(D). Solustibosan.
Important coccidian of golfish: (A). Eimeria piriformis; (B). Eimeria separata; (C). Eimeria aurata; (D). Eimeria tenella.
(C). Eimeria aurata
Signs of icterus and anemia without haemoglubinuria in cattle are that of: (A). Anaplasmosis; (B). Trichomoniasis; (C). Leishmaniasis; (D). Leucocytozoonosis.
(A). Anaplasmosis
Important zoonotic disease between cat and humans: (A). Hepatozoon felis infection; (B). Leishmaniasis; (C). Toxoplasmosis; (D). Anaplasmosis
(C). Toxoplasmosis
Important malarial parasite of baboons and other monkeys and which can be enzootic to man: (A). Clonorchis sinensis; (B). Simondsia paradoxa; (C). Hepatozoon canadiensis; (D). Hepatocystis kochi.
(D). Hepatocystis kochi
Prominent lesions of ulcers on skin, lips and nostrils are signs of which parasitism in man? (A).Anaplasmosis; (B). Leucocytozoonosis; (C). Leishmaniasis; (D). Trichomoniasis.
(C). Leishmaniasis
Sterility and abortion in cattle are pathognomonic signs of which illness? (A). Leucocytozoonosis; (B). Anaplasmosis; (C). Trichomoniasis; (D). Leishmaniasis.
(C). Trichomoniasis
In Babesia infection, the organ of the host that is most important immunologically is: (A). Brain; (B). Heart; (C). Spleen; (D). Liver.
(C). Spleen
Hepatozoon canis is transmitted to the definitive host (A). Through ingestion by the definitive host of the intermediate host; (B). Through bite of the intermediate host; (C). Through ingestion of the feces of the intermediate host; (D). None of the above
(A). Through ingestion by the definitive host of the intermediate host
Leshmania tropica causes the following EXCEPT: (A). Oriental sore; (B). Dumdum fever; (C). Delhi boil; (D). Allepo button.
(B). Dumdum fever
In tertian malaria like that caused by Plasmodium falciparum, schizogony takes place every: (A). 24 hours; (B). Five days; (C). Two days; (D). 4 days.
(C). Two days
In gall sickness (Anaplasmosis), there is: (A). Both anemia and haemoglobinuria; (B). Haemoglubinuria only; (C). Anemia but no haemoglubinuria; (D). None of the above
(C). Anemia but no haemoglubinuria
This pair frequently exhibits maltese cross appearance in RBC (A). Babesia felis & Babesia equi; (B). Babesia equi & Babesia canis; (C). Babesia felis & Babesi trautmanni; (D). Babesia canis & Theileria parva.
(A). Babesia felis & Babesia equi
The cause of of sleeping sickness of gold fish is: (A). Cryptobia brachialis; (B). Eimeria subepithelialis; (C). Thehalonia sp.; (D). Cryptobia cyprini.
(D). Cryptobia cyprini
Which among the following does not form cyst? (A). Tritrichomonas foetus; (B). Entamoeba coli; (C). Giardia lamblia; (D). Dientamoeba fragilis.
(A). Tritrichomonas foetus
Gliding is the type of movement seen in following EXCEPT: (A). Sarcocystis; (B). Toxoplasma; (C). Cryptobia; (D). Neorospora.
(C). Cryptobia
This microsporidian protozoon is the cause of the neon tetra disease of aquarium fishes. (A). Pleistophora cepedianae; (B). Myxosoma cerebralis; (C). Pleistophora hyphessobryconis; (D). None of the above.
(C). Pleistophora hyphessobryconis
The following are zoonotic Babesia EXCEPT: (A). Babesia. perroncitoi; (B). Babesia microti; (C). Babesia divergens; (D). Babesia bovis
(A). Babesia
The cause of severe hepatic coccidiosis in rabbits is: (A). Eimeria truncata; (B). Eimeria aurata; (C). Eimeria stiedae; (D). None of the above.
(C). Eimeria stiedae
The following are examples of venereal diseases in animals caused by protozoa EXCEPT: (A). Bovine trichomoniasis; (B). Histomoniasis; (C). Dourine; (D). Human trichomoniasis.
(B). Histomoniasis
In the following, both the intermediate and definitive hosts are vertebrates EXCEPT in: (A). Sarcocystis; (B). Taenia; (C). Haemoproteus; (D). Toxoplasma.
(C). Haemoproteus
The arthropod host of Hepatozoon muris is: (A). Polyplax spinulosa; (B). Rhipicephalus sanguineus; (C). Echinolaelaps echidninus; (D). Laelaps nuttali.
(C). Echinolaelaps echidninus
In the epimastigote stage of the Trypanosoma, the kinetoplast and axoneme lie (A). Posterior to nucleus; (B). Anterior to nucleus; (C). Near anterior end of body; (D). None of the above.
(B). Anterior to nucleus
Sporogony is a form of asexual reproduction where sporozoites are formed (A). by splitting; (B). Within the wall of the cyst; (C). Outside the cyst wall; (D). None of the above.
(B). Within the wall of the cyst
A good screening laboratory tool for Ehrlichiosis because thrombocytopenia is relatively a consistent finding is: (A). WBC count; (B). Platelet count; (C). Haematocrit; (D). Body temperature.
(B). Platelet count
The zygote or ookinete of Plasmodium and Haemoproteus is (A). Non-motile; (B). Twisted & sessile; (C). Motile; (D). Attached & pedunculated.
(C). Motile
The oocyst of Sarcocystis after being passed out with the feces is: (A). Already sporulated; (B). Still unsporulated; (C). Already larvated; (D). None of the above.
(A). Already sporulated
The cause of benign theileriosis in (A). Theleria annulata; (B). Theileria mutans; (C). Theioleria lawrenci; (D). None of the above.
(B). Theileria mutans
This is a prokaryote organism that resides within the rbc: (A). Eperythrozoon; (B). Eimeria; (C). Haemobartonella; (D). Ehrlichia.
(C). Haemobartonella
Anaplasma organisms using Romanowsky will stain: (A). Red to dark red; (B). blue; (C). Violet to dark violet (D). Cobalt blue.
(A). Red to dark red
In all species of Hepatozoon, gametogony occurs (A). Only in the leucocytes (B). In the rbc only; (C). Both in the rbc & leucocytes; (D). None of the above.
(C). Both in the rbc & leucocytes
The haemoflagellates of fresh water and marine fishes are transmitted by: (A). Leeches; (B). Mermithids; (C). Earthworms; (D). Crustaceans.
(A). Leeches
The cause of hamburger gill disease in catfish is: (A). Encephalitozoon cuniculi; (B). Babesia moshkovskii; (C). Aurantiactinomyxon ictauluri; (D). Klossiella kobayae.
(C). Aurantiactinomyxon ictauluri
This myxosporidian protozoa causes whirling disease or black tail in salmonids: (A). Myxosoma cerebralis; (B). Ceratomyxa shasta; (C). Nosema connori; (D). Chilodonella cyprini.
(A). Myxosoma cerebralis
Signs of icterus and anemia without haemoglubinuria in cattle are that of: (A). Anaplasmosis; (B). Trichomoniasis; (C). Leishmaniasis; (D). Leucocytozoonosis.
(A). Anaplasmosis
This protozoa causes diptheritic membrane covering the oropharynx & sides of the mouth (frounce) in bird of prey and canker in pigeons: (A). Leucocytozoon andrewsi; (B). Eimeria mivati; (C). Trichomonas gallinae; (D). Besnoitia darlingi.
(C). Trichomonas gallinae
This species is the cause of giardiasis in lovebirds. (A). Giardia lamblia; (B). Giardia psittaci; (C). Hexamita pitheci; (D). Giardia duodenalis.
(B). Giardia psittaci
Renal coccidiosis in mice is caused by: (A). Eimeria truncata; (B). Klosiella muris; (C). Isospora burrowsi; (D). Tyzerria parvula
(B). Klosiella muris
Dollar spots on the skin are characteristic of infection with: (A). Trypanosoma brucei; (B). Trichomonas vaginalis; (C). Trichomonas foetus; (D). Trypanosoma equiperdum.
(D). Trypanosoma equiperdum.
The disease caused by Ehrlichia bovis is called: (A). Tropical eosinophilia; (B). Nopi; (C). Bursati; (D). Macrocytic anemia.
(B). Nopi
The arthropod vector of Hepatozoon muris is: (A). Laelaps nuttali; (B). Ornbithonyssus bursa; (C). Echinolaelaps echidninus; (D). Lyponyssus sp.
(C). Echinolaelaps echidninus
The cause of corridor disease is: (A). Theileria lawrenci; (B). Theileria mutans; (C). Babesia gibsoni; (D). Theileria annulata.
(A). Theileria lawrenci
Signs of petecchial hemorrhages and blood clot in the abdominal cavity of chickens are symptoms of which illness? (A). Leishmaniasis; (B). Leucocytozoonosis; (C). Trichomoniasis; (D). Anaplasmosis.
(A). Leishmaniasis
The schizont in Theileria parva because the cytoplasm stains blue with Romanowsky stain, it is called: (A). Motash bodies; (B). Kocks blue bodies; (C). Creatine blue bodies; (D). Romanovskys corpuscles.
(B). Kocks blue bodies
It is an opportunistic organism proliferating in immuno-compromised hosts causing interstitial pneumonia (A). Encephalitozoon cunniculi; (B). Pleistophora cepedianae; (C). Pneumocystis carinii; (D). Haemobartonella muris.
(C). Pneumocystis carinii
Which is not true for Ichthyopthirius multifilis? (A). Infective stage are tomites; (B). Macronucleus is horseshoe-shaped; (C). Life cycle is temperature dependent; (D). Occurs in the liver.
(D). Occurs in the liver.
This organism is characterized by its erythrocytic stages having rectangular veil extending from their side and stains violet with Giemsa. (A). Plasmodoium; (B). Babesia; (C). Haematoxenus; (D). Haemoproteus.
(C). Haematoxenus
The cause of canine pancytopenia is: (A). Babesia canis; (B). Ehrlichia canis; (C). Theileria mutans; (D). Glugea anomala.
(B). Ehrlichia canis
The cause of amoebiasis in reptiles is: (A). Entamoeba hartmanii; (B). Iodamoeba butschlii; (C). Entamoeba invadens; (D). Endolimax nana.
(C). Entamoeba invadens
The largest of the human trichomonads is: (A). Trichomonas vaginalis; (B). Trichomonas tenax; (C). Pentatrichomonas hominis; (D). Trichomonas phasioni.
(A). Trichomonas vaginalis
Cryptobia cyprini is a: (A). Coccidia; (B). Ciliate; (C). Flagellate; (D). Amoeba.
(C). Flagellate
Babesia perroncitoi occurs in: (A). Deer; (B). Pigs; (C). Horses; (D). Dogs.
(B). Pigs
The following conditions are caused by Leshmania donovani in humans EXCEPT: (A). Kalaazar; (B). Oriental sore; (C). Dumdum fever; (D). Visceral leishmaniasis.
(B). Oriental sore
Xenodiagnosis is employed for: (A). Avian trichomoniasis; (B). Ehrlichiosis; (C). Chagas disease (D). Surra.
(C). Chagas disease
Nagana is caused by: (A). Trypanosoma congolense; (B). Theileria annulata; (C). Babesia bigemina; (D). Plasmodium coatneyi.
(A). Trypanosoma congolense
The process by which micro- and macrogamonts become attached together is pairs during development of the gametes as seen among haemogregarines like in Hepatozoon is called. (A). Conjugation; (B). Syzygy; (C). Pallisading; (D). Nuclear segmentation.
(B). Syzygy
Sterility and abortion in cattle are pathognomonic signs of which illness?: (A). Leucocytozoonosis; (B). Anaplasmosis; (C). Trichomoniasis; (D). Leishmaniasis.
(C). Trichomoniasis
Ich is a disease of: (A). Frogs; (B). Salt water fishes; (C). Wild birds; (D). Fresh water fishes.
(D). Fresh water fishes
The following are genera of coccidian except: (A). Cryptosporidium; (B). Diorchis; (C). Tyzzeria; (D). Wenyonella.
(B). Diorchis
Infectious enterohepatitis is a disease of; (A). Turkeys; (B). Doves; (C). Fishes; (D). Ducks.
(A). Turkeys
What is your possible suspect of infection when a herd of duck referred to you had dominant nervous derangement syndrome, high morbidity & mortality: (A). Tetrameres americana; (B). Cooperia punctata; (C). Leucocytozoon simondi; (D). Elaeophora rangifer.
(C). Leucocytozoon simondi
Merozoites are products of: (A). Gametogony; (B). Sexual reproduction; (C). Asexual reproduction; (D). Sporulation.
(C). Asexual reproduction
The cause of Chagas disease in humans is: (A). Trypanosoma cruzi; (B). Trypanosoma gambiense; (C). Trypanosoma evansi; (D). Pentatrichomonas hominis.
(A). Trypanosoma cruzi
Diagnosis of coccidian in poultry is more effective in: (A). Postmortem examination of representative birds; (B). Fecal concentration; (C). Slide examination of blood; (D). Fecal examination of numerous birds.
(A). Postmortem examination of representative birds
Prominent lesions of ulcers on skin, lips and nostrils are signs of which parasitism in man?: (A). Anaplasmosis; (B). Leucocytozoonosis; (C). Leishmaniasis; (D). Trichomoniasis.
(C). Leishmaniasis
In Sarcocystis, which stage is infective to the definitive host? (A). Oocyst; (B). Sporozoites; (C). Merozoites; (D). Muscle cysts (sarcocyst)
(D). Muscle cysts (sarcocyst)
Paralysis is usually observed in infection with this species: (A). Babesia caballi; (B). Babesia equi; (C). Babesia perroncitoi; (D). Theileria parva.
(A). Babesia caballi; (B). Babesia equi
So far Plasmodium spp. do not occur in the following animals EXCEPT: (A). Ruminants; (B). Pigs; (C). Monkeys; (D). Horses.
(C). Monkeys
The following protozoan diseases can be treated with tetracyclines EXCEPT: (A). Theileriosis, (B). Ehrlichiosis, (C). Anaplasmosis, (D) Leishmaniasis.
(D) Leishmaniasis
These blood protozoa have round gamonts EXCEPT: (A). Leucocytozoon caulleryi; (B). Leucocytozoon smithi; (C). Plasmodium hermani (D). Leucocytozoon andrewsi.
(B). Leucocytozoon smithi
The hosts cell nucleus is displaced or sometimes expelled by the gametocytes in infection with the following blood protozoa EXCEPT: (A). Plasmodium cathemerium; (B). Haemoproteus sacharovi; (C). Plasmodium vaughani; (D). Plasmodium relictum.
(C). Plasmodium vaughani
The following are ciliates EXCEPT: (A). Balantidium coli; (B). Chilodonella cyprini; (C). Henneguya exilis; (D). Trichodina domerguei.
(C). Henneguya exilis
Pseudocyst is the term used for: (A). Wall surrounding the protozoon that is produced by the parasite itself; (B). Wall surrounding the protozoon, which is formed by the host; (C). Produced by the protozoon through its secretion; (D). None of the above.
(B). Wall surrounding the protozoon, which is formed by the host
The medium that is employed in the cultivation of Balantidum coli is: (A). Ringers-serum-starch medium; (B). Diamonds medium; (C). CPLM medium; (D). Novy, MacNeal & Nicolle medium.
(A). Ringers-serum-starch medium