Vet meds Flashcards
Vet CDs are controlled under the veterinary medicines regulations. True or false?
False - misuse of drugs act 1971
What is the definition of a veterinary medicinal product?
Any substance or combination of substances presenting as having properties for treating or preventing disease in animals OR that may be used in, or administered to, animals with a view either to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis
Vet meds can be placed on the market without a MA. True or false?
False - it is an offence to place on market without a MA
There is a list of authorised vet meds along with their SPCs. True or false?
Pharmacists can prescribe POM-V meds. True or false?
False - vets only
Who can prescribe meds that are POM-VPS?
Vets, Pharmacists and Suitably qualified persons
Who can prescribe NFA-VPS?
Vets, Pharmacists, Suitably qualified persons
What are AVM-GSL meds?
Authorised Vet Medicines - General Sales
All vets, including those who are not registered with RCVS can prescribe and supply vet meds other than AVM-GSL. True or false?
False - have to be registered with RCVS to supply meds other than AVM-GSL
Vets can supply meds from any premises. True or false?
False - can only supply meds from premises registered with RCVS as Veterinary Practice Premises
Vet doesn’t have to be present when supplying any vet meds. True or false?
False - vet must be present to supply meds other than AVM-GSL unless they authorise each transaction individually before product is supplied or are satisfied that person who hands it over is competent
What is meant by a suitably qualified person?
Animal medicine advisor who is qualified to prescribe and/or supply certain vet meds under the VMR
SQPs can only supply POM-VPS that they have prescribed. True or false?
False - can supply ones they have prescribed as well as those that have been prescribed by a vet surgeon, pharmacist or another SQP
POM-V can only be prescribed by a vet for animals under their care. True or false?
It is an offence to prescribe more than the minimum amount of VMP required for treatment. True or false?
NFA-VPS are equivalent to P for human medicines. True or false?
AVM-GSL is equivalent to GSL for humans. True or false?
There are exemptions for small pet animals that permits certain meds to be placed on market without MA, subject to certain conditions. True or false?
Products marketed for small pet animals e.g. cage birds, rabbits may be sold by any retailer. True or false?
All meds marketed for animals need to have a MA. True or false?
POM-V can be supplied by pharmacist but not SQP. True or false?
POM-V can only be supplied against a prescription by a vet. True or false?
AVM-GSL need to be sold from retail building. True or false?
False - no restrictions on supply
AVM-GSL can only be sold from premises that can be locked. True or false?
Records for supply and receipt of POM-V and POM-VPS need to be kept for 3 years. True or false?
False - 5 years
A copy of the Rx needs to be retained if there is one for the supply of POM-V and POM-VPS. True or false?
POM-V and POM-VPS has to be written. True or false?
False - can be oral or written but must be written if the VMP is not supplied by the person who has prescribed it
A prescription for a POM-V nad POM-VPS is valid for 28 days only. True or false?
False - 6 months
What prescriber details need to be on the prescription of a POM-V and POM-VPS
Telephone number
The prescribers RCVS reg no. is needed for all POM-V and POM-VPS prescriptions. True or false?
False - only for Sch 2 and 3 CDs
The name and address of the animal owner/keeper is needed on the prescription for a POM-V and POM-VPS. True or false?
If the animal lives with the owner/keeper is the animal’s address also needed on the prescription?
No - only if animal’s address is different to owner’s address
The species of animal is needed on the prescription along with its identification no. True or false?
Date of prescription isn’t needed on Rx. True or false?
False - needed
Administration instructions are needed on prescription. True or false?
VMR advise that “as directed” not acceptable on prescriptions for POM-V and POM-VPS. True or false?
POM-V and POM-VPS can be repeated. True or false?
True - must state no. of repeats on Rx
Where schedule 2 or 3 CD is prescribed a statement that the item has been prescribed for an animal or herd under the care of the vet is needed. True or false?
EEA and Swiss vets are not allowed to prescribe for animals in the UK. True or false?
What are the three requirements that need to be met so EEA and Swiss vets can prescribe for animals in the UK?
Need to be registered with RCVS
Animal needs to be under their care
A clinical assessment has been carried out
For schedule 2 and 3 CDs, the name of animal, full name of owner and address where prescribed CD is to be delivered needs to be on Rx. True or false?
The amount of product prescribed in both words and numbers needs to be on CD 2 and 3 VMPs. True or false?
Records of CD Schedule 2 POM-V in the CDR need to be kept for 5 years. True or false?
False - 2 years
All labels and package inserts should be in English and have UK authorised veterinary medicinal product displayed. True or false?
“for animal treatment only” needs to be on labelling of VMP. True or false?
The target species needs to be present on the labelling of a VMP. True or false?
The batch number needs to be present on immediate container label. True or false?
If there is no suitable authorised VMP in the UK for the treatment of an animal, the vet may treat the animal following ‘the cascade’. True or false?
If VMP prescribed following the cascade, the prescription needs to state “prescribed under the cascade”. True or false?
True - also “for administration under the cascade” needed
Pharmacists can prescribe under the cascade. True or false?
False - only vets can prescribed under the cascade
It is acceptable to sell unauthorised vet meds including GSL and P meds for an animal. True or false?
False - unlawful unless takes place under the vet cascade