POM Flashcards
Parenteral medicines and new active substances can be P. True or false?
False - POM
Supplementary prescribers can prescribe POMs. True or false?
In supplementary prescribing, the independent prescriber must be a doctor or dentist. True or false?
In supplementary prescribing, the agreement must be written and needs to be recorded by the IP, SP and patient. True or false?
In supplementary prescribing there is a specific formulary/list that the prescribers can prescribe within. True or false?
Prescriptions issued in the EEA or Switzerland are not legally valid in the UK. True or false?
The BNF doesn’t state what legally needs to be on a prescription. True or false?
False - BNF, MEP and Human Regulations 2012 state this information
A schedule 2,3,4 CD prescription can be dispensed after 6 months. True or false?
False - can’t be dispensed after 28 days of appropriate date
How long is a POM prescription valid for?
6 months after appropriate date - cannot be dispensed after this
Repeatable prescriptions can be issued under the NHS. True or false?
False - only private
A repeatable prescription must be dispensed for the first time within 6 months of appropriate date. True or false?
If a repeatable prescription doesn’t state the number of times it can be dispensed, How many repeats are possible?
One repeat - i.e. dispensed twice
Oral contraceptives - 5 repeats - i.e. dispensed 6 times
In the UK, there is legislation that outlines the information needed on a prescription in relation to the medicine. True or false?
False - EEA prescriptions have legislation on name, quant etc. but UK doesn’t
EEA/Swiss prescriptions written in a foreign language are not valid. True or false?
Dentists can prescribe any POM on NHS. True or false?
False - only drugs in formulary. Private - prescribe any POM
Are faxed prescriptions legally valid?
Can schedule 2 and 3 drugs be electronically prescribed?
A POM cannot be prescribed against a patient specific direction instead of a prescription in a hospital. True or false?
Directions for the administration of a POM need to be written. True or false?
False - good practice only
A record needs to be made of sale or supply of oral contraceptives both on NHS and private prescriptions. True or false?
False - neither
A record needs to be made for the supply of private prescriptions POMs but not NHS. True or false?
A record for a POM must be made on the day of supply. True or false?
False - on the day or following day
How long are POM records kept for?
2 years
What legally needs to be included in POM record?
Name and address of patient Name and address of prescriber Date of prescription Date of supply Name of drug (strength, quant etc.)
How long should a POM private prescription be kept for?
2 years
In terms of repeatable prescription, prescription is kept for 2 years from date of last repeat. True or false?
NHS POM prescriptions are not kept and are sent to NHSBSA. True or false?
Private prescriptions for Schedule 2,3 CD are kept for 2 years. True or false?
False - they get sent off
Private prescription for oral contraceptive - no need to keep prescription or make record in POM register. True or false?
False - no need for record in POM, but keep prescription for 2 years
The address of a patient is a legal requirement on the label of dispensed drug. True or false?
It is legally acceptable to put the label on the outer packing rather than on the container. True or false?
EEA health professionals can prescribe CD drugs 1-3, True or false?
False - not permitted to prescribe any CD 1-3
A prescription issued by EEA prescriber legally needs to have patient’s name, date of birth and address. True or false?
False - address not a legal requirement
The length of time that an EEA prescription is valid is the same as a UK prescription. True or false?
The legal requirements of an EEA prescription and UK prescription are the same. True or false?
False -
EEA legally requires info on actual medicine - UK doesn’t
UK legally requires patient address, EEA doesn’t